African Fat-Tailed Gecko Diet

African fat-tailed geckos are insectivorous reptiles. They primarily feed on crickets, mealworms, waxworms and roach nymphs for sustenance.

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Captive lizards generally thrive in tanks or vivariums that measure 12x16x12 inches, as they require a moist environment with access to freshwater on a daily basis.



African fat tail geckos are carnivorous animals found throughout their environments, feeding on insects that move across their ecosystems. When kept as pets in captivity these lizards are typically fed crickets, roaches, mealworms and waxworms for sustenance.

Your lizard’s diet will have a direct impact on its health and growth. To maximize health, it is recommended that you provide them with a variety of prey items as this will ensure they receive all of their required nutrition. In order to boost this process, try gut loading live food with extra vitamins for extra nutritional support for your pet.

When feeding an African Fat Tailed Gecko, make sure that its dish can easily be cleaned. This will prevent it from tipping over and getting water on itself. Furthermore, providing plenty of hiding spaces (as discussed above in the heat section) is crucial; an inverted plastic storage bin works great here.


African fat-tailed geckos (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) are insectivorous reptiles and should be fed a variety of insects such as crickets, locusts, roaches, calci-worms and mealworms to provide them with optimal health. All live foods should also be gut-loaded with multivitamins, calcium and D3 prior to consumption in order to ensure that your gecko is receiving all their required vitamins.

Animal caregivers may give sphagnum moss or mulch to provide the humidity they require, especially at night when these creatures tend to come out at night. A high quality terrarium with heat source, hiding spot, and humidity tray offering up to 70% humidity is needed.

As fat-tailed geckos can quickly dehydrate, always provide them with access to fresh water in an easily cleanable dish that they cannot tip over or tip in on themselves. Make sure their tank can easily accommodate this requirement for optimal care and clean-up.


African fat-tailed geckos are quickly gaining in popularity as reptile pets. Though not widely available at pet stores, breeders typically sell these gecko species online or at reptile shows and expos.

These lizards are insectivores, so they should be fed crickets, meal worms or waxworms and dusted with reptile calcium powder every other meal. Your exotic vet may suggest multivitamin supplements.

Always provide your gecko with access to a shallow bowl of water; although they won’t drink from it directly, geckos will use this source of humidity regulation in their environment, keeping their humidity between 40-60%.

Fat-tailed geckos require different temperatures in their enclosure in order to thermoregulate, so including various temperatures should be part of their environment. Furthermore, adding hides as well as logs, sticks, plants, and other decor can help with thermoregulation. It is vitally important that no fish is ever given as these contain sharp bones which could result in choking or death if fed directly.

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African fat-tailed geckos are predominantly insectivores and should be fed crickets, mealworms, wax worms, cockroaches and other readily available insects such as crickets. Young geckos should receive five crickets daily while adults require eight or nine crickets weekly. All live insect feeders should also be dusted with reptile calcium powder and multivitamin supplements such as ReptiCalcium or ReptiVite can provide these vital vitamins.

Due to being terrestrial creatures, African fat-tailed geckos require an easy substrate like paper towels, butcher paper, and reptile soil like Repticarpet as hiding places.

Temperature gradients in their habitat or tank can help geckos thermoregulate. Brumation (reptile hibernation) is an integral part of their annual cycle and may be triggered by factors like low temperatures, latitude changes, decreases in daylight hours or changes in air pressure – keeping these reptiles healthy and strong is what brumation is all about!