Armstrong Wild Bird Seed For Your Birds

If you have been considering putting some seed out for your birds, you can find many types of products at local and online retailers. You can find Safflower, Hulled sunflower seeds, Cracked corn, and Millet. You can even order it on Instacart. This convenient service provides contactless delivery and pickup within 2 hours.

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Safflower is an excellent addition to bird seed mixtures. Its hard shell and bitter taste are a natural deterrent to starlings and squirrels. Birds will often ignore safflower seed at first. But over time, they will become accustomed to it.

Cracked corn

Cracked corn is a favorite food of many species of birds. This type of bird seed can attract a wide variety of species, including the Common Ground Dove and the American Crow. It’s also a favorite of many ground dwelling birds, like House Sparrows and Red-winged Blackbirds. However, you should keep in mind that this bird seed isn’t suitable for all species.

Hulled sunflower seeds

Hulled sunflower seeds are an excellent choice for feeding your backyard birds. The sunflower seed is great for attracting a variety of birds and is available in a 16-kg bag. You can offer sunflower seeds alone or in combination with other types of bird food. Hulled sunflower seed is also very convenient to use and can be placed in almost any type of bird feeder.


White millet is a small round seed that attracts birds, especially juncos. This wild bird food is ideal for feeders placed near the ground. It can be offered alone or in combination with other wild bird seed blends.


Armstrong’s Easy Pickens Nyjer Wild Bird Seed is perfect for feeding small songbirds, including wild finches. It is an imported, processed seed that’s popular with small songbirds. It also works well in finch feeders. Keep your feeder clean and fill it with fresh food regularly.

Suet cakes

If you want to attract wild birds to your yard, you can feed them suet cakes made from Armstrong wild bird seed. This type of suet contains a blend of fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains. The mix is nutritious and is perfect for cold weather months. It can be frozen in small containers, too.


If you’re looking to attract more songbirds to your yard, Milo Armstrong wild bird seed is a great choice. This premium blend contains 15% sunflower chips and is specially designed to attract songbirds. The mix contains ingredients that attract many different species of wild birds.