Bee Hive Entrance Feeder – Advantages and Disadvantages

bee hive entrance feeder

Using a bee hive entrance feeder makes feeding your bees a breeze. These feeders are easy to install, clean, and refill. You can easily change out the glass jars to feed the hive at any time. They also require little maintenance, which makes them an excellent choice for beginners. Below are a few advantages and disadvantages of using a feeder. Make sure you read the reviews before making your final decision.

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Disadvantages of a bee hive entrance feeder

There are some advantages and disadvantages to both the internal and external hive entrance feeders. The former is more convenient to use because it fits between the brood boxes and the hive cover. The latter, on the other hand, tends to be bulky and messy. Here are some things to keep in mind before you buy a bee hive entrance feeder.

Aside from its cost, entrance feeders are the cheapest feeders. They comprise a feeding tray and syrup container. The advantages of this type of feeder are that it fits into hives easily and makes it easy to monitor how much food is being supplied. Moreover, they are easy to refill and can be closed if you want to prevent robbery. However, the drawback of these entrance feeders is that they can lead to colony deaths.

The entrance feeder can attract robber bees. Hence, it is essential to place a protective swarm barrier around the entrance feeder. The hive’s entrance feeder should not be exposed to rain, wind, or snow. The syrup can get frozen or be difficult for the bees to access. Another drawback of entrance feeders is their inefficiency in cold weather, and therefore they are best used with hives that have reduced entrances.

Easy to refill

Unlike an inner board feeder, which requires you to remove the entire inner cover, an entrance feeder allows you to fill the bee hive with fresh, pure water without disturbing the hive’s occupants. In addition, you don’t have to worry about removing your bees or the contents of the super. You simply turn the notch down on the entrance feeder and watch the cluster air rise up to the entrance. This is ideal for reducing the risk of robbing.

An entrance feeder is very easy to use and is typically placed at the entrance of the hive. It can be a simple bucket filled with sugar water, but it should be hung on a perforated lid. It also works well with a shallow baking sheet or bird bath. A few caveats to an entrance feeder are that it is not very large. Therefore, it is necessary to check it periodically and refill it if it’s empty.

Easy to clean

The entrance feeder is an important part of beehive care. It can help build up the hive’s stores during the summer months or bolster food supplies during the cold winter months. Entrance feeders also provide a source of hydration for thirsty hives. If you choose an entrance feeder, you can also use it as a source of propolis, a natural antibiotic.

The two-piece set is easy to install and clean. They fit snugly over entrance holes that are 3/4″ or higher. The black plastic base brings the syrup inside the hive, minimizing robbing. The two-piece design also makes it easy to refill the syrup. For maximum convenience, make sure to buy a feeder with a tight lid. When using an entrance feeder, remember to cover the entrance before filling it with syrup.

Entrance feeders are generally made from stainless steel or other sturdy metal materials. Entrance feeders are designed to provide an easy way for honey bees to replenish their food without opening the hive itself. A solid hive with a top feeder will hold four gallons of syrup, making it easy to refill the entrance feeder. Typically, entrance feeders feature a steel safety screen to prevent robber bees from damaging your beehive’s contents.


A Maintenance-Free Bee Hive Entrance Feeder provides an easy way to attract bees to your apiary. The entrance of the hive can be placed in the early morning sunlight to encourage them to emerge from the hive earlier in the day. If you live in the Northeast, your hive can remain in the sun throughout the season, but in other areas, be sure to provide some afternoon shade to keep the hive warm.

The maintenance-free bee hive entrance feeder also makes it easy for you to monitor the weight of your hive. It is ideal to add sugar water to the entrance of your hive every six months to prevent the hive from drying out. Sugar water is used to maintain the temperature of the hive, and a spray bottle filled with water and sugar is handy for adding sugar. It also allows for greater maneuverability and is often recommended when installing new bee packages.