Best Hair Loss and Itching Treatment For Dogs

dog hair loss and itching treatment

Hair loss and itching can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as allergies, skin infections, fleas, or mites.

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Allergies, in particular, can cause itchy skin and bald spots on the scalp. These symptoms are typically due to environmental or food allergens.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an effective natural remedy for dogs suffering from hair loss and itching. It contains nutrients and enzymes which promote healthy hair growth.

Natural anti-oxidant, which is great for your dog’s skin. Furthermore, it helps eliminate harmful bacteria and yeast.

Aloe vera when applied topically creates a cooling sensation that soothes and heals your dog’s itching. Additionally, it stimulates circulation, decreasing swelling and edema.

But be careful not to give your dog the gel from this plant as it is toxic for dogs. If they consume large quantities, they may experience vomiting, diarrhea, depression and urinary issues.

The gel in plants is composed of Acemannan, a complex carbohydrate. This enables nutrients to reach cells, nourish them, and rid them of toxins.

Fish Oil

If your pup is suffering from excessive shedding, itching or other skin issues, fish oil may be the solution. It has numerous advantages such as reducing inflammation and creating a glossy coat.

Its primary ingredients are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These omega-3 fatty acids have been known to reduce inflammation in your dog’s skin as well as throughout their entire body.

When your dog’s immune system is unable to suppress inflammation, it can lead to a variety of health issues. Furthermore, inflammation damages cells, leading to oxidative stress and disease development.

Fish oil is an essential supplement for your pet’s wellbeing, providing all the essential fatty acids it requires. Make sure it comes from a trusted source with high concentrations of EPA and DHA, plus it should be free from synthetic flavors or preservatives. When selecting a fish oil supplement for your furry friend, look for one with no odor and high levels of essential fatty acids.

Lemon Juice

Lemons are popular in many recipes, but they can also be an effective remedy for itching and hair loss in dogs. Their acidic liquid helps soothe itchy skin while eliminating fungi or bacteria that might be causing your dog’s itching or hair loss.

When selecting a lemon, make sure it’s soft but not mushy. They should have smooth skin and an intense yellow hue.

Lemon juice contains water, sugars, organic acids (primarily citric acid), as well as trace amounts of amino acids, vitamins and phenolic compounds. Different methods are employed to determine its acidity and total soluble solids content which can be measured with a refractometer.

Researchers from the US Food & Drug Administration have devised both a targeted and untargeted approach to detection adulteration in lemon juice using LC-MS analysis. The targeted method relies on separation of seven components – including hesperidin and eriocitrin – via high resolution mass spectrometry.


Dry air can irritate your dog’s skin and make their coat appear dull. A humidifier can help combat this issue by maintaining balanced humidity levels in the air.

Moisture in the air can have an enormous effect on respiratory illness and allergies. Studies have demonstrated that using a humidifier significantly reduces influenza virus infectivity, which thrives under dry conditions.

Eczema is a common skin condition that causes itchy, dry, and inflamed skin. A humidifier can help alleviate these symptoms of eczema and provide your pet with much-needed relief from itching, drying out, or irritation.

Fleas, lice, and ticks can itch your dog’s skin and fur in an uncomfortable way. Your vet can suggest the most effective parasite control product to rid yourself of these pesky insects.

If your dog is experiencing skin issues, first try to identify the source. Your veterinarian can then decide the most effective treatment option for each individual dog’s symptoms and may suggest natural home remedies, medications, allergy testing or other tests as necessary.