Can Cats Eat Dog Food in an Emergency?

If you find yourself in an emergency where you run out of cat food, putting some dog food into your kitty’s bowl might be a temporary solution, but it is not recommended.

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Due to their distinct nutritional needs, dogs and cats require different foods. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious amino acid and vitamin deficiencies in both species.


It is not poisonous

In case of an emergency, dog food may not be toxic to your cat. Unfortunately, it doesn’t contain all the essential nutrients cats require and isn’t a long-term solution for keeping them healthy.

If your cat has consumed something toxic, she will typically show symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and other digestive problems. If you observe any of these signs, take your pet immediately to the veterinarian.

Onions, garlic, chives and onion powder can be toxic to felines due to thiosulphate content – this chemical causes red blood cell damage which in turn results in anemia in your cat. Therefore it’s best to keep these items away from your furry friend.

Grapes and raisins can be toxic to cats because they cannot be digested properly, leading to liver issues.

Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruit can be hazardous for cats too. They contain high levels of citric acid which could upset your cat’s stomach.

It is not harmful

In case of an emergency, don’t feel bad letting your cat eat dog food. It will provide them with enough calories to last them until you can provide them with regular supplies of their own food.

However, it’s essential to remember that dog food is not a sustainable source of nutrition for your cat in the long run. It lacks essential elements like Vitamin C which cats require.

Unfortunately, this diet lacks the essential amino acid taurine, which is especially critical for pregnant and lactating cats. A deficiency can have serious health repercussions for both mother and offspring.

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they must consume meat and other animal products to survive. Unfortunately, their physiology and digestive capacity do not allow for the digestion of vegetable matter.

It is not a long-term solution

Cats and dogs belong to the Carnivora order, yet their nutritional requirements differ considerably. A diet consisting solely of dog food can lead to malnutrition or even death in cats. Common symptoms include anaemia (low red blood cell count), lethargy, pale gums, swollen abdomen and vomiting.

Thankfully, cats have plenty of ways to satisfy their appetites without resorting to eating your pup’s dinner. You can boil some chicken broth and offer your furry pal a bowl of the liquid. Alternatively, blend up some chicken or turkey and serve it alongside brown rice for fiber, bulk and an irresistible meaty reward.

In the end, the best emergency cat food solution is to ensure your pets receive a balanced and nutritious meal tailored to their individual needs. This will help avoid any potential emergencies down the line. While there are many ways to achieve this, maintaining a healthy home environment for your furry friend should remain your number one priority.

It is not a good idea

In times of emergency or when your cat’s regular food has run out, it may be tempting to give them dog food instead. But this is not recommended for several reasons.

Cats are strict carnivores and eating dog food will leave them deficient in several essential nutrients. These include essential amino acids, taurine and arginine.

Second, most dog foods contain cereals which are unpalatable to cats and may cause stomach upsets. Furthermore, cats are highly sensitive to chemicals, meaning even small amounts of dog food can have adverse reactions in them.

Thankfully, there are plenty of safe options on hand that won’t harm your cat’s health and can be fed in an emergency. Unless provided special dietary instructions by your vet, aim for a serve that consists mainly of lean protein with some suitable additions from other food groups as well.