Diabetic dog treats should contain limited sugar and fat to prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar. They should also include complex carbohydrates and fiber for easier digestion by the animal.
These diabetic dog treats feature herbal-based ingredients known to support blood sugar regulation. With only 75 calories per treat and the addition of oat hulls and pea fibre which both act to limit glucose absorption, these treats make an excellent way for diabetic dogs to enjoy treats while staying on track with their diets.
Low Glycemic Index
Diabetic canines require treats with a low glycemic index. These should include treats rich in fiber and complex carbs to avoid increasing their blood sugar levels; additionally they should contain minimal amounts of fat, sugar and starch.
Natural treats such as vegetables, berries and herbs or seeds make great diabetic dog treats in moderation; however meat-based treats should be avoided to avoid possible gastrointestinal infections in your pup’s system.
Some veterinarians recommend dental chews as treats for diabetes dog treats, since they’re low in fat and rich in complex carbs. Just be sure to ask your veterinarian if these dental treats are okay for your pup’s diet, and follow their recommendations for how often and when giving a dental treat – to maintain optimal glucose control over time by decreasing regular food consumption whenever giving dental treats – so take note when giving dental treats! The goal should be keeping daily variations in their diet consistent; giving a dental treat may require slightly reducing daily variations when giving regular food when giving an edible dental treat!
High in Protein
Protein is an integral component of diabetic dog treats, as its high satiety levels help curb overeating which can worsen blood sugar levels. Furthermore, providing them with energy ensures they can stay active and keep up a healthy weight.
Consider treating your diabetic dog to treats made from natural ingredients with high protein content that contain no artificial preservatives, flavors or sweeteners. Furthermore, ensure it has low carbohydrate content so it can easily be broken up into small pieces or crumbles for convenient feeding.
Hank & Harley’s all-natural chicken jerky sticks feature all-natural chicken as their primary ingredient and are free from glycerin, which has a low glycemic index. Furthermore, these treats contain fiber to help regulate blood sugar levels – just remember that overindulging could cause sudden rises in glucose levels so be sure to give these treats to your pup in moderation!
Low in Calories
Pet parents of diabetic dogs can find it daunting and daunting, as they worry they have to make drastic dietary changes for their furry friend. But this doesn’t have to be the case! There are numerous diabetic treats that will fit within new dietary restrictions without making your pup sick or unhealthy.
Carrots make an excellent low-calorie treat for diabetic dogs as they contain fiber and only contain small amounts of sugar after digestion. Or you could make homemade diabetic-friendly treats yourself using our Natural Treats recipes; just follow along step-by-step and use ingredients your pup loves!
Look for freeze-dried treats that have had their moisture removed as another suitable diabetic-friendly treat option, since these soft and chewy snacks won’t aggravate sore teeth or gums if your pup struggles with chewing hard treats like these from Ella’s Kitchen that are vet approved and made solely with freeze-dried chicken breast!
High in Fiber
An animal with diabetes should adhere to a specific diet plan created by its veterinarian. This may involve food restrictions and insulin injections; treats are allowed, but must be given in moderation – they must be low in fat, sugar, starch and grains and high in protein and fiber content.
While treats should never replace a healthy diet, they can still provide benefits to your diabetic pup. Examples of such treats may include vegetables, some berries and certain meat products with reduced fat and sugar contents; as for fruits they should also have reduced amounts of both!
This tasty treat for diabetic dogs only contains one ingredient – freeze-dried raw chicken breast! Additionally, they’re free from wheat, gluten, soy, corn syrup, and added sugars making them the ideal treat. Furthermore, this treat provides your pup with healthy omega-3 fatty acids while being low in calories! Your pup is sure to love its light texture and crunchy crunchiness!