Does Wet Cat Food Cause Diarrhea?

does wet cat food cause diarrhea

Wet cat food can be a great way to get a little extra protein into your cat’s diet, especially if they are on a weight loss program. Plus, wet food usually has a higher moisture content and lower calories than dry foods.

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But wet food may also cause diarrhea if your cat’s intestinal bacterial populations are disrupted or if they have a health issue that’s making them unable to digest certain ingredients in their diet. If this is the case, probiotic supplements can help.



There are a number of things that can cause diarrhea in cats, including medicine, a sudden change in diet, eating something they shouldn’t eat, or consuming a foreign object or toxic substance. Diarrhea is not a serious condition by itself, but if it occurs over a long period of time (days or weeks) and is accompanied by vomiting and other symptoms, then it’s best to seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

A common cause of loose stools is changing your cat’s diet from dry to wet, or from one brand of food to another. This can take some time for your cat’s digestive system to adjust, so it is normal for their poop to change consistency for a few days.

Other causes of diarrhea in cats can include allergies or food sensitivities, food intolerances, parasites, and gut dysbiosis. Chronic diarrhea is usually a sign of a more serious problem, and may indicate an underlying illness or irritant to which kitty is constantly or frequently exposed.


One of the most common causes of diarrhea in cats is a change in diet. If you recently changed your cat’s regular food and they’ve developed mild diarrhea, it’s a good idea to go back to what you were previously feeding them and see if it clears up on its own.

If the diarrhea is frequent and doesn’t clear up on its own, it may be time to call your veterinarian. They’ll want to check for other symptoms and examine your cat’s stools.

A cat that has a dark, tarry stool with fresh red blood (frank blood) or old blood, or stools that are mucousy and thick could have a more serious health problem.

If your cat has frequent loose stools, drink plenty of water. You can also try electrolyte replacement drinks or soda without caffeine.


Diarrhea in cats can be a frustrating and unpleasant experience. But there are some treatments available that can help you and your cat get better.

The first thing you should do is check your cat’s stools. If they’re soft, watery and have been loose for more than a day, take a sample to your veterinarian.

This is a very common symptom in cats who have eaten something they shouldn’t have. This can include string, rubber bands, paper, or even small toys.

If you suspect that your cat’s diarrhea is due to a food intolerance, talk to your veterinarian. They may be able to prescribe a diet that eliminates the problem or helps prevent future issues.

In severe cases, your vet might be able to give your cat a drug that slows down their motility, which prevents them from absorbing more fluid and losing more water weight. This can be very helpful in treating dehydration that may be caused by diarrhea.


Many owners are concerned about the extra water in wet food causing diarrhea. It is important to remember that cats are not hydrophobic (like some dogs) and that they need to drink more water than dry foods can provide.

Another common cause of diarrhea is a cat’s inability to digest a certain ingredient within its food. Often this can show up right away or build up over time.

Usually changing out the brand, recipe or flavor will help overcome issues related to intolerance.

In addition, adding fiber and prebiotics such as animalBiome Gut Maintenance Plus can help improve your cat’s digestion.

Other causes of loose stools in cats can include dietary changes, consuming foreign objects that are not natural or inedible, and allergies to specific foods. If your cat’s diarrhea is due to these or other reasons, it may need a more comprehensive medical evaluation. A veterinarian can perform a thorough review of your cat’s medical history and a physical examination to diagnose the cause of their problem.