Feeding Your Ducks the Right Livestock Feed For Ducks

livestock feed for ducks

Before you start preparing your flock of ducks’ livestock feed, you should first know their needs. At one month of age, ducklings need to be fed fresh water snails and boiled unhulled rice. Mask feed consists of fish meal, rice bran mixed with oyster shell, corn, soybean meal, and dried whey. Mineral vitamin supplements are also included in the feed. You can feed them starter mash with 10 to 20 percent crude protein. Layer mash is suitable for six-week-old to four-month-old ducklings.

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Canola meal is a good source of protein

Canola meal, a soybean derivative, is a source of vegetable protein. It contains protein, carbohydrates, crude fiber, and residual oil. The protein content of canola meal is comparable to soybean meal but less energy. Its composition depends on processing and field conditions. The amount of fiber and anti-nutritional factors can reduce growth performance. It is best to use hydrolyzed canola meal in livestock feed for ducks.

Corn niblets

The best livestock feed for ducks is fresh-cut corn from your cobble. However, be sure to only feed your ducks a small amount of corn each day. The amount of corn should not exceed 25 percent of your ducks’ diet. If you feed your ducks too much corn, the excess sugar may be detrimental to their health. If you are considering giving your ducks corn, consider the health benefits and nutritional value of the product.


While peas are a good food source for ducks, they may also be difficult to feed them. They may not like pea pods, which they must be defrosted before giving to ducks. The same goes for peas that have been sprayed with pesticides, so it’s best not to feed peas to your ducks. You can add pea pods to your duck’s compost instead.

Soybean meal is not digestible

Many livestock farmers are searching for alternatives to soybean meal. Not only is it expensive, but soy production is causing deforestation and destruction of natural grasslands. The alternative protein sources must be carefully assessed for their sustainability, cost, and protein quality. Soybean meal should be replaced by a lesser protein source in smaller amounts and gradually increased. If the soybean meal is not easily digested by ducks, switching to a lower-cost protein source can be acceptable, but should be carefully evaluated with a qualified nutritionist.

Soybean oil is toxic to ducks

Soybeans are an excellent source of protein and fiber. They contain all nine essential amino acids and zero cholesterol. Their low amount of saturated fat and low cholesterol content make them a desirable addition to any duck’s diet. Soybeans are also high in calcium and potassium, so incorporating a small portion of them in their daily diet will help them grow healthier and stronger. Soybeans are toxic to ducks if they are not cooked, as they contain a toxic protein called lectin.

Soy bean meal is not a good source of energy

Soy bean meal is not a good protein source for ducks. It is low in lysine and contains high levels of sulfur amino acids. A recent study confirmed higher levels of cysteine and methionine in canola meal, making it a potential replacement for soybean meal. Canola meal has a lower digestibility than soybean meal and can therefore be used as an alternative feed ingredient for ducks.

Soybean oil is not a good source of energy

Many developing countries do not have the resources to grow high-quality grain crops, and soybean oil is not a suitable source of energy for livestock. Soybean oil is an expensive and ill-advised energy source for poultry. Moreover, studies have shown that soybean oil alters the colour of egg yolks, and soybean oil cannot be used as a complete protein source for ducks.