Flying Gecko Diet

Flying geckos are insectivores, meaning they feed on insects such as crickets, mealworms, roaches, moths, worms and silkworms. In addition, these gecko species also consume fruits, berries and vegetables.

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Just like their reptilian counterparts, flying geckos require a healthy diet in order to thrive. Achieve this through providing them with a varied insect species diet as well as calcium supplements on an ongoing basis is key in their well-being.


They are omnivores

Flying geckos hunt a wide variety of insects for food in the wild, such as crickets, grasshoppers, mealworms, waxworms and roaches.

These geckos will also enjoy eating fruit occasionally; for a balanced diet, mix meal replacement powder with live insects at an appropriate ratio.

By giving them fruits like bananas or mangos, you can add color and flavor to their diet while providing them with essential vitamins and minerals for staying strong and healthy.

Flying geckos can make great additions to any household, provided they receive proper care. Their environment should closely resemble their native habitat by offering appropriate levels of humidity, UV lighting and climbing surfaces.

They are insectivores

Flying geckos are insectivores, meaning they feed on insects, worms and other small creatures. Flying geckos use scent, hearing and touch senses to find prey.

Birds of prey are adept at concealing themselves within their environment by blending into trees. This helps them avoid potential threats.

Kuhl’s flying geckos are native to Asia, with populations found throughout Thailand, Myanmar, India, Malaysia and Indonesia. This species of flying gecko is one of the most widespread flying gecko species found.

These lizards feature skin flaps on their sides and tail that help them glide short distances, with webbing between their toes providing further assistance for this purpose.

Geckos have an earthy toned appearance with hues of earthy greens, browns and tans to blend into their habitat more seamlessly. Their toe pads contain small villi that enable them to grip nearly any surface with ease.

They require a calcium-rich diet

Geckos require a calcium-rich diet in order to remain healthy. Calcium plays an essential role in bone development and growth, so providing them with a ratio of 2:1 between calcium and phosphorus would be optimal.

Crested geckos in captivity often need additional calcium supplements and foods in their diet in order to meet their calcium requirements, so it is essential that they receive as many calcium-rich foods and supplements as needed.

Vegetables can also provide your pet with calcium-rich meals, especially dark leafy greens like kale, collards and turnip greens. Tracking their weight can also help determine if extra supplementation may be needed.

They are prone to stress

Flying geckos rely heavily on insects for sustenance. Provide them with as many different kinds of bugs as possible so that they get all of the vitamins and minerals they require for good health. Gut-load feeders 24-48 hours before giving to your pet reptile for maximum absorption of essential vitamins and minerals.

Flying geckos are vulnerable to stress, which may cause them to stop eating and become aggressive or withdrawn. If you notice any changes in their behavior or appearance, see your veterinarian immediately.

Wild Caught Geckos often contain high parasite loads in the form of tiny red mites and worms, while captive-bred geckos usually do not present these problems.

These geckos require a large enclosure with ample room to climb, hide, and feel safe, in addition to providing warmth that allows them to thermoregulate. A digital probe hygrometer is an excellent way to monitor their daily and nightly temperatures; misting with cool mist regularly will keep humidity levels at an ideal level for optimal health.