Golden Safflower Wild Bird Seed

golden safflower wild bird seed

Safflower seeds provide numerous advantages to backyard birds and have quickly gained in popularity among birders. Packed full of protein, fats and oils that birds convert into energy sources for energy usage in their bodies.

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Golden safflower differs from traditional safflower seed by having thinner shells that make it easier for birds to open them and create less of a mess around feeders.


Product Description

Safflower seeds are small white teardrop-shaped seeds covered with a hard outer hull that birds peck away to access the juicy interior. As these seeds don’t attract as many squirrels or other pesky visitors, safflower seeds make an excellent addition to feeders where house sparrows, grackles, or blackbirds might otherwise take over!

Lyric’s Golden Safflower is made using NutraSaff safflower, an organic and chemical free hybrid seed that provides more nutrition than its traditional counterpart (including 15% more oil, 25% more protein and 30% more fat that birds convert to energy). Furthermore, its hull is 40% thinner to make digestion simpler for birds.

Take note to offer this nutritious seed in large hopper, tube, and platform feeders or scatter it near shrubby, protected areas – then just sit back and watch as songbirds flock to your feeder!

Product Benefits

Safflower seeds feature a thick shell that’s difficult for birds to crack open. Packed with oil and protein, safflower seeds make an excellent energy source for wildlife. Safflower is often mixed in with black oil sunflower seed in premium bird feeder mixes for extra variety.

Cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers and jays all love safflower seeds; these attract rose-breasted grosbeaks, doves and native sparrows as well. Additionally, using Safflower seed as birdfeeder protection against squirrels may also prove effective.

Golden safflower seed has recently made headlines as it boasts an easier shell that birds can break open more easily, boasting higher oil and protein than traditional white safflower. Once discovered, backyard birds quickly take to it; according to experts it even seems more resistant against attacks by grackles and blackbirds than regular safflower.

Product Uses

Safflower seed attracts many desirable wild song birds when fed as part of a larger wild bird mix or on its own, including cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, mourning doves and rose-breasted grosbeaks. Graccles, blackbirds and European starlings tend to leave it alone making safflower an excellent choice for feeder stations where these “bully birds” typically predominate.

As safflower seeds differ greatly in look and taste from sunflower, some birds may need time to adapt. To ease this transition, gradually increase the proportion of safflower in feeding stations while decreasing other seed offerings over time.

Nutra-Saff is an organic, chemical-free hybrid safflower variety with a thinner outer hull than traditional varieties; this allows more birds to access and consume its seed while decreasing waste production and waste by-products. Plus, Nutra-Saff boasts 30% higher fat content (energy).

Product Pricing

Golden Safflower seeds feature a thinner outer hull than traditional safflower, making it easier for birds to crack open and consume the seed without creating too much mess around your feeders. Blackbirds, grackles and starlings often leave this seed alone too!

Lyric Golden Safflower is made with NutraSaff(tm), an organic hybrid safflower that offers 15% more oil, 25% higher protein and 30% higher fat content than traditional white safflower. As an excellent energy source for wild songbirds with its thin hull design that helps it digest quickly and stay away from squirrels’ feeders, Lyric Golden Safflower makes an excellent addition to your bird feeders!

As with any new food source, it may take up to two weeks or longer for backyard wild songbirds to discover golden safflower. Be patient – eventually your feeders will become filled with the colorful birds you seek!