Harvest Lane Bee Feed is a pre-mixed, HLH formula that is designed to provide bees with essential nutrients during periods of high nectar yield. It does not separate and is made with certified ingredients. Its unique formula contains a high level of honey, which helps the bees overcome dearths and boost honey flow. Honey B Healthy is an added bonus, as it aids in overwintering survival and can be used in the inhive.
HLH Bee feed
If you’ve ever wondered what the best bee feed is, you’ve probably tried Honey B feeding stimulant. Honey B is a highly beneficial food for bees to feed on during times of nectar dearth and when honey is flowing. This pre-mixed formula won’t separate in the feeder and is poured directly into the inhive. Honey B Healthy is also made from certified ingredients, and is a great choice for overwintering survival.
Harvest Lane Bee Feed is made with certified ingredients, including honey and feeding stimulants. It can be used in a wide range of apiaries, from backyard beekeepers to commercial beekeepers. It’s ideal for spring and fall feeding, and can also be used in winter bee feeders. It’s also great for boosting the health of a colony. For optimal results, shake the bottle before using, and use it once every week or as needed.
Dry bee feed
Beekeepers are always looking for a better way to feed their bees. It helps them to reduce stress and agitation, while giving them something healthy to eat. Harvest Lane Honey Bee Feed is a liquid that bees love. Long-time beekeepers whip up their own recipes and put them in jars. The bees use the feed as a source of nectar.
The 1-pound jar of Harvest Lane Honey Pollen Feed contains sugar, protein, and other nutrients for healthy bees. This dry feed is also a good option during times of low pollen or when you cannot find the flowers they need to produce nectar. You can pour the feed directly into the hive or mix it with sugar syrup to keep bees healthy and thriving. It is also convenient to use because it can be poured directly into the feeder for feeding.
Pre-mixed bee feed
When you want your hives to look their best, you can buy a bottle of Harvest Lane liquid bee feed. It contains certified ingredients, including Honey B Healthy, which encourages the drawing of comb and rearing of brood. This bee feed does not separate, making it perfect for early spring feeding. You can use it with the entrance feeder and in-hive feeders.
Dry bee feed w/ essential oils
For feeding bees in the fall and winter, Harvest Lane Honey Liquid Bee Feed with Essential Oils is an excellent choice. Bees love its lemongrass and spearmint flavor and it can be used in feeders and in place of traditional sugar water. In addition, the liquid form is easy to pour into the hive. If you need to supplement the food during dearths or lack of nectar-producing flowers, you can purchase extra packets of Harvest Lane Honey Liquid Bee Feed and keep them topped up.
If you can’t get pollen from your area, you can use a pollen substitute like a flour mixture. This will stimulate your bees’ growth. In Michigan, a 1:1 sugar syrup is an excellent choice. The thicker version has less water, so it can be preserved easier. Honey bees love it and will start producing brood by late April. For a cheaper, homemade alternative, you can also make a simple pollen substitute patties by mixing equal parts of sugar with 50% sugar syrup.