Harvest Seed & Supply Songbird Wild Bird Food

harvest seed ampamp supply songbird wild bird food


Seed Blends

Seed mixes are packed with minerals, plant-based proteins and healthy omega fats – an easy way to add extra nutrition into yogurt, oatmeal, smoothie bowls or salads! Keep a jar on hand so you can access extra vitamins whenever needed.

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Seed blends are combinations of certified seeds from two or more crop kinds/species that are mixed and sold as one certified mix, such as Colossus blend of alfalfa (comprising three varieties from one crop type) or lot blends including multiple certification numbers like CUF 101 or Cal Rojo wheat.

Varietal Blends require written approval by both the conditioner/broker and CCIA staff, with multiple seed lots required to blend successfully together and possible additional genetic tests or lab analysis being necessary on an as-needed basis.

Sunflower Seed

Sunflower seeds are an incredibly popular snack, packed with fiber, protein, vitamins (especially Vitamin E), and minerals. You can eat sunflower seeds whole with their hull intact or shelled for an easy and cost-effective way to add some crunch and texture to salads, soups and curries, cereal bowls or just by themselves!

Sunflower seeds can also be pressed to make sunflower oil and ground into sunflower butter as an allergy-friendly alternative to peanut or almond butters. When purchasing sunflower seeds, look for unsalted options with minimal ingredients and low sodium levels for best results.

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which promotes regularity and cholesterol reduction. Plus, one serving of sunflower seeds provides plenty of phytochemicals which may lower cancer risks.

Millet Seed

Millet (Pennisetum glaucum), an integral component of most wild bird seed blends, is the favorite ground-feeding seed of quail, doves, towhees and juncos. Millet provides essential protein sources as well as fiber, starch essential fats and B-complex vitamins – essential components of bird survival!

Lower cost commercial bird mixes may save money upfront, but often contain filler seeds that birds scatter or kick to the ground, leading to more waste and providing less appetizing food for your feathered friends.

Milo may be overlooked by birds for more desirable seeds like sunflower, cracked corn or safflower. Instead, try offering single ingredients on low tray feeders or the ground so you can quickly see which foods the birds prefer and eliminate wasteful practices like overfeeding them with milo.

Safflower Seed

Safflower seed is an attractive option that can be offered alone or mixed with other types of bird seeds, offering vitamins, minerals and electrolytes needed by wild birds while being free from chemical preservatives. Finch songbirds tend to prefer it over blackbirds, grackles and squirrels who might find other seeds more appealing.

Safflower seeds are often included in blended seed mixes that birders use to attract more songbirds without inviting unwanted feeder hogs such as grackles and blackbirds. A quality safflower blend should include some peanuts, white proso millet and black oil sunflower seeds as well.


Peanuts, belonging to the legume family, are one of the world’s most widely-cultivated crops, serving both as food and an effective natural pesticide.

Women who consume five or more units of nuts a week could possibly lower their risk of gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) due to their rich omega-3 content. (13)

PEANUTS’ meteoric rise from seven U.S. newspapers began with Schulz’s desire to address life’s big questions without resorting to violence, sexuality or manic energy; instead he gave readers space to think and reflect; think back over Rothko paintings’ emotional ambience for inspiration! His approach produced some of the strip’s most impactful moments.