How to Choose the Best Wild Bird Food

How to Choose the Best Wild Bird FoodThere are many different brands and types of wild bird food available. The following is a brief review of Kaytee Electro Nectar Hummingbird Food, Audubon Black Oil Sunflower Seed, and Lyric Sunflower Kernels. While these aren’t the most expensive offerings, they are decent choices. As long as you’re willing to spend a bit of money, you’re sure to find a high-quality product for your backyard or garden.


Kaytee Electro Nectar Hummingbird Food

It’s easy to feed hummingbirds with Kaytee Hummingbird ElectroNectar, which comes in a clear bottle. Hummingbirds get their electrolytes from flower nectar. While you can’t guarantee that the food will be completely sugar-free, Kaytee Hummingbird ElectroNectar doesn’t contain any red dye, which can harm the birds. It’s also missing electrolytes, which the Smithsonian recommends.

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The formula is ready to feed hummingbirds, so they can enjoy the food right away. Kaytee Hummingbird ElectroNectar is made with 100% natural ingredients, and you don’t have to add water or sugar. Simply shake the bottle and watch your hummingbirds come running to your feeder! Kaytee ElectroNectar Hummingbird Food is the best wild bird food available.

Kaytee Basic Blend Wild Bird Food

This healthy blend of grains and seeds has become a favorite among backyard feeders and bird watchers. Kaytee’s Basic Blend Wild Bird Food is recommended for use in covered fly-through feeders, hopper feeders and large-tube feeders. The variety of ingredients in the mixture attract a variety of colorful birds. Here’s how to get the most enjoyment from your backyard feeder. You’ll have more than just backyard visitors, however.

First of all, don’t feed your birds cheap, rancid pieces of nuts. They’re not an essential part of a songbird’s diet. These pieces of nut-like food are high in fat and starch. In fact, rodents and crows can safely eat these types of nuts. But wild songbirds won’t eat them! Instead, Kaytee’s Basic Blend Wild Bird Food has been proven to attract the most desirable songbird species to your garden.

Audubon Black Oil Sunflower Seed

If you’re trying to attract a variety of backyard birds, Audubon Park Black Oil Sunflower Seed is a great choice. This highly nutritious seed is high in fat and protein, which will attract a wide range of backyard birds. Black oil sunflower seeds can be easily fed to backyard birds using hopper feeders, as well. Audubon Park has been making the best bird food for more than 60 years and partners with local farmers to produce the highest quality bird seed.

This product also works well for attracting finches and other small birds. In addition, it also attracts mourning doves and wild turkeys. It’s a good choice for backyard birds, but it is relatively expensive. It’s best to purchase nyjer-specific feeders that have smaller holes. Unused nyjer seeds can spoil very quickly, so it’s a good idea to place some in separate containers. Another alternative to black oil sunflower seed is suet, a hard white fat usually derived from beef. It is high in calories and produces heat, so it’s great for wild birds.

Lyric Sunflower Kernels

Unlike most other bird seed blends, Lyric Sunflower Kernels are made from 100% edible seeds that are already hulled. You can use them in most feeders, including bird houses and bird baths. These seeds are high in fat and protein, and will attract many different kinds of birds. Best of all, you won’t have to worry about leaving any mess on your porch or deck.

This product is designed for finches, who eat seeds almost exclusively throughout the year. During nesting season, they also feed the seed to their young. It is a natural, all-natural product that attracts many different species of finches. Make sure that you use a feeder made for Nyjer seed so that the seeds can be properly distributed. The seed is also made with natural ingredients and can easily be mixed with other feeds.

Wagner’s 42032

For years, Wagner’s has been making high-quality wild bird food. Their formulas are fresh and made with the cleanest ingredients possible. Their seed blends have been proven to attract a wide variety of songbirds to backyard bird feeders. Here are some of the benefits of Wagner’s 42032:

This product contains premium organic ingredients that attract a wide variety of birds. The ingredients of this mix are shell-free nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Birds who like to feed their young at a young age will love this variety. The seed mix is suitable for small birds, so you don’t have to worry about it becoming overly crowded. You can use the hopper, platform, or tube feeder to distribute this mixture.