Un-medicated crumbles
Medicated duck starter food can be dangerous for ducklings, but unmedicated crumbles are safer for your birds. This type of feed does not contain amprolium, which may have unwanted side effects. Also, it’s possible to overdose your ducks, so be sure to read the label on the feed.
You can start feeding un-medicated ducklings as early as five weeks of age. These foods are packed with vitamins and minerals and will help your ducklings get the nutrients they need to grow into healthy adults. Medicated duckling starter food may contain drugs to prevent coccidiosis.
Ducks have trouble digesting these treats, so make sure you chop them up into small pieces or partially mash them to make them softer. Then, add them directly to their water dish. Also, avoid giving them food from the nightshade family.
Chicken layer feed
You’ll need to buy chicken layer feed if you plan to raise ducks as pets. This feed contains higher levels of protein and calcium than the starter feeds. Chicken layer pellets should contain 16 to 18 percent protein. Cracked corn can also be added for extra calories and calcium. For best results, purchase a quality feed from a reputable dealer.
Medicated feed for ducklings should be avoided. This type of feed can over medicate ducklings, which can lead to coccidiosis. Fortunately, this disease is not common in ducks. Besides providing additional protein, it’s also important to provide ample water for the ducklings. Also, make sure to hold back on giving them extra treats for the first few days.
Generally, chicks should be fed a starter diet from the time they hatch until they’re eight weeks old. You can use 1/8-inch pellets and crumbles to feed the young ducklings. After that, the ducklings can be transitioned to a layer feed.
Earthworms are an excellent source of protein for ducks. Adding worms to their diet can help improve egg quality. You can feed earthworms to your ducklings as soon as they reach three weeks of age, but it is recommended to start them off with small earthworms, as they may not be able to swallow the large ones.
Earthworms are nutritious and safe for ducks to eat. They are able to pick them up from the ground easily, and they can also get exercise while eating them. But you must remember to provide a diverse diet for your ducks. So you should limit the earthworms to two to three a week.
It is also advisable to avoid feeding your ducklings unsuitable food, as they can be unhealthful for the environment and the wildlife. Additionally, unclean food can attract rodents and create foul odors. It can also transmit disease to your ducklings. Moreover, some birds can also become aggressive and can become nuisances.
Livestock-grade brewer’s yeast
Livestock-grade brewer’s ferment is an essential ingredient in poultry and duck starter food. It is a source of vitamin D, which is necessary for healthy growth and development in chicks. Lack of vitamin D can lead to bent bones and bowed legs in young birds. Inadequate vitamin D intake can even lead to bird death within a few weeks. However, this ingredient also contains a significant amount of Niacin, which can be harmful to your animals if it is overdosed.
Inactivated brewer’s yeast is a rich source of protein, phosphorus, and B vitamins. It is available in fresh and dried forms. Brewers dried yeast is more expensive and is used only in specialty feeds. It is also more difficult to obtain.