Kaytee Wild Finch Wild Bird Food

kaytee wild finch wild bird food

This high-energy finch bird food is an ideal way to attract finches to your backyard. Clean, designed specifically to attract small songbirds and suitable for year-round feeding – not to mention without growth seeds so no unwanted plants emerge in your yard!

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Consider purchasing bird seed in a resealable bag or container to maintain freshness for longer and prevent potential spillage issues.


What is Kaytee Wild Finch Blend?

Kaytee Wild Finch Blend is an all-season seed mix designed to attract more finches to your backyard, and has proven itself superior over Nyjer seed alone by more than 3-to-1*.

Finches love variety in their diets and this product provides it with three varieties of millet, canary seed and sunflower chips – as well as more oil than straight Nyjer for easier digestibility in birds with smaller beaks.

Combine this seed with a finch station or feeder sack to turn your yard into a finch paradise! Perfect for use with hopper, large tube and covered fly-through feeders; as well as finches it will attract black-capped chickadees, cardinals, juncos, nuthatches and sparrows as well as woodpeckers, towhees tufted titmice and indigo buntings! As with all bird foods it is also important that a source of fresh water is provided alongside each of our offerings – particularly finches!

What is Kaytee Ultra Waste Free Finch Blend?

This premium bird food blend is an all-time favourite with finches. Packed full of their favourite seeds nyjer and sunflower chips as well as white proso millet, shelled peanuts and added calcium for birds’ health, this premium bird food will attract all types of backyard songbirds while keeping feeders fuller longer reducing refill times!

Extensive national field testing shows this unique blend is preferred 3-to-1 over straight Nyjer. The addition of Nyjer/Thistle seeds draws more finches while sunflower chips supply energy-rich energy for them to survive winter.

This no-mess seed blend is an excellent option for tube, hopper and platform feeders. Containing hulled sunflower seeds, black oil sunflower seeds, safflower seeds and peanut kernels as well as cracked corn to attract raccoons and squirrels; its reasonable price on this website makes this an attractive offering!

What is Kaytee Nyjer/Thistle Seeds Wild Bird Food?

Kaytee Ultra Wild Finch Blend provides finches and other small songbirds with food they adore, preferring it three-to-1 over Nyjer alone as year-round bird food in your backyard. Its special combination of ingredients attracts finches, buntings and siskins while its high oil content surpasses other Nyjer products; furthermore it contains no hulls for reduced mess under feeders, on yards or patios.

Cracked corn is an inexpensive bird food option, yet it does not provide much in terms of essential nutrition. Owners frequently supplement this food source with additional options like molting or song mixes to assist their birds during migration or winter migration when extra calories may help them remain warm.

Pellet diets provide birds with natural, nutritional supplements. When stressed, injured, or raising young, however, additional nutritional support may be required in the form of specially formulated pelleted diets formulated specifically for birds. Consult an avian vet about what would best fit for your bird.

What is Kaytee Birder’s Blend?

Kaytee Birder’s Blend is an all-purpose bird food designed to draw in numerous varieties of songbirds to your backyard. Packed full of seeds, grains, and nuts that appeal to various kinds of songbirds – created by birding enthusiasts to draw more songbirds while increasing nutritional value of backyard feed – Kaytee Birder’s Blend offers something everyone will find irresistible!

On March 13, 2023, the Georgia Department of Agriculture informed Kaytee Products Inc. of possible contamination with their Kaytee Birders’ Blend Wild Bird Food 8 lb bag UPC: 071859 02711 1 from Lot PennPak1 102022 933 and Best Buy Date 04/1224 due to elevated levels of Aflatoxin contamination. This affected product had been distributed through ACE Hardware distribution centers located in Alabama, Florida and Georgia that service neighborhood hardware stores across Southeastern United States.