Paw Butter For Dogs

paw butter for dogs

Canine paw pads can become dry, cracked and sore from being exposed to external elements such as pavement heat, salty roads, snowy terrain or rough terrain. Our high standard formula utilizes natural oils and butters that will soothe, heal and protect.

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It comes packaged in an easy-to-use twist stick for convenient application, and works wonders on scars, wounds and irritated skin.


1. Emu Oil

Emu oil is an extremely effective, safe, and natural way of treating dog skin irritations and pain. It can soothe irritated skin, heal wounds quickly and reduce inflammation – not only that, it contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants and other vitamins/nutrients which provide additional therapeutic support.

Emu oil is harvested from the fatty adipose tissue of emus, flightless birds native to Australia. For centuries it has been used to aid healing and promote anti-inflammatory benefits.

Olive-like oil without the irritating oleic acid that causes irritation in some dogs is an ideal option for soothing dry skin and paw pads caused by cold weather, salt, ice, snow, mud and dirt. Furthermore, this solution may also help relieve symptoms associated with itching/dermatitis/hot spots/flea bites/psoriasis in some pets.

2. Shea Butter

Shea butter provides soothing relief to dry paw pads while protecting them from harsh elements like salt, snow and ice.

Shea butter contains natural antifungal and antibacterial properties which can aid in treating infections, while providing a protective layer that can help stop moisture loss and cracking of skin.

Shea butter can be consumed by dogs safely in small quantities; however, care should be taken if using shea-based products that include other non-dog-friendly ingredients. Licking too much shea butter could cause digestive distress such as vomiting and diarrhea in your pup; in such an instance it may be beneficial to drink fluids and take an antacid. For serious symptoms call your vet immediately who may recommend monitoring or inducing vomiting depending on its severity.

3. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter makes an excellent skin moisturizer and barrier protection product for your pup’s feet. Made from cocoa beans fatty solids, unlike its chocolate cousin which often contains toxic compounds.

Cocoa Butter is an indispensable component of dog paw and nose balms, offering protection, soothing, and nourishment. Apply it daily to prevent excessive licking of paw pads while helping them heal more rapidly.

Consider purchasing cocoa-butter paw and nose balm that contains premium skin ingredients like shea, aloe vera, rosemary extract and vitamin E for maximum effectiveness. Beware of products scented with fragrance as these may be irritating to your dog’s sensitive nose. In case your pup accidentally consumes cocoa butter accidentally, induce vomiting with 3% hydrogen peroxide to clear it from their system before switching them onto a bland diet of rice and chicken until symptoms subside.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera stimulates mucus production to shield and soothe intestinal tract linings from irritation, while its antiparasitic properties help expel parasites from your canine’s body.

Aloe vera can be applied topically for relief of scrapes and burns, soothing chafed skin and moisturizing dry, itchy paw pads. In addition, its natural antibacterial properties help fight yeast or bacteria which causes dandruff.

Note that unprocessed raw aloe vera contains saponins (yellow latex) which can be toxic to pets if consumed. When purchasing liquid aloe vera for pets, ensure it has been processed to remove these saponins; look for products made with organic aloe vera that is safe to lick.

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant that works to fight free radicals, protecting cells from oxidation and helping keep their integrity. Furthermore, it may improve cardiovascular health by widening blood vessels and preventing them from clotting up.

Vitamin E supplements also support immune system function, helping dogs build up natural immunity. Some dogs may have low levels of vitamin E; supplements can help address this situation.

If you choose to use a paw balm or wax, be sure to select one designed specifically for dogs; human products may contain ingredients that could harm your pet if consumed, leaving behind sticky residue on floors and fabrics as well as making its paw pads slippery on icy or wet surfaces.