Purina Duck Pellets and Scratch Grains

purina duck pellets

The Purina(r) duck pellets contain high levels of Niacin, an essential vitamin for growing birds. In addition, they include Scratch Grains to encourage natural pecking and feeding habits. The Purina(r) Oyster Shell is fed separately to female ducks while they lay eggs, while promoting natural pecking and feeding instincts. If you want your birds to thrive, consider feeding them a mix of duck feed pellets and Purina(r) Scratch Grains while they’re laying eggs.

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Purina duck pellets are suitable for growing birds

Purina duck pellets are a high-quality food for growing birds. Developed with the needs of growing ducks in mind, these pellets are designed for birds of all life stages. Their ingredients are carefully chosen to meet the nutritional requirements of hatchlings and maintain the immune and digestive health of adult ducks. Available in pellet form, they also contain probiotics, prebiotics, and niacin, in addition to 19% protein.

The Nutri-Source duck feed is very affordable and is a nutritious meal for your growing bird. It’s made from whole grains, which are important for strong eggshells. Unlike commercial feeds, Nutri-Source duck pellets smell. They are formulated for growing birds and are suitable for both laying and non-laying varieties. However, if you are concerned about the health of your flock’s feathers, you should choose a different brand.

Purina(r) Oyster Shell is offered in a separate feeder while laying eggs

If your hens are laying eggs regularly, you can add Purina(r) Oyster shell to their daily diet to support their eggshell integrity. This product is formulated with larger oyster shell particles that break down slowly and provide your birds with the calcium they need to lay strong eggs. Providing them with calcium at night is particularly beneficial since shell formation takes place during the night.

As with humans, chickens are individual animals. They need more calcium than non-laying chickens do. Some are prolific layers while others don’t. Others may suffer from a deficiency in their shell glands. Oyster shell is an important part of a laying hen’s diet, especially if it’s available in large pellets.

Purina(r) Scratch Grains promote natural pecking and feeding instincts

Scratch Grains are a high-quality grain blend that supports your poultry’s natural pecking and feeding instincts. This grain supplement complements your complete feed while encouraging natural feeding behaviors. This scratching treat can be fed as a treat to your adult poultry, but please note that this grain mix should not be used as a complete feed. It can dilute the nutrients in your bird’s regular feed, which could reduce its performance.

Purina(r) Scratch Grain is made with a seven-grain blend, including oats and millet. It has no artificial colors or flavors and contains only the highest quality grains. This grain blend supports the pecking and feeding instincts and supports the focus and attention span of your chickens. It also includes Alpha Brain Memory Supplements, which help boost cognitive processing speed and improve memory.

Niacin levels are high in purina duck pellets

One of the most important vitamins for ducks is niacin, which is also called nicotinic acid. Niacin helps ducks maintain their health by aiding in the conversion of food into energy and maintaining healthy skin and feathers. Niacin is also necessary for lowering cholesterol and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin, and ducks need a consistent diet in order to keep storage levels in their body healthy.

During their growing stages, ducks require high amounts of niacin to mature properly. It helps ducks convert food into energy, while supporting healthy skin, bones, muscles, and organs. In a case of niacin deficiency in ducks, the bird may exhibit bowed legs and enlarged hock joints. If left untreated, this condition may cause crippling and even death.