Suet Wild Bird Food

suet wild bird food

Suet is a great food source for insects-eating birds. Insects in suet attract a variety of birds and squirrels as well as deer. Here are some ways to make suet. You can also blend 3 cups of ground cornmeal and 1/2 cup of white or wheat flour to make it a bit crumblier.

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It attracts a variety of birds

Suet is a traditional wild bird food that attracts many species. It is a great source of energy and is especially good for young birds, which need extra calories during the summer months when they defend their nests. The fat in suet contains twice as many calories as protein, and helps the birds sustain their activity levels between meals.

It attracts squirrels

Suet wild bird food attracts many types of birds, but you should keep in mind that it can attract squirrels, raccoons, mice, and rats. Large suet feeders need to be secured with baffles or other safeguards to keep the predators from getting at the food. When choosing a suet feeder, be sure to choose a model that’s made from hard plastic, as this will make the suet less messy.

It attracts deer

Suet is a favorite food of many wildlife species, including deer. These creatures are herbivores and don’t find other types of food very appetizing. They are not averse to human food, but they won’t eat it if you add artificial scents to it. For this reason, it is better to choose plain suet. One popular brand is WBU Simply Suet, while others contain fruit, nuts, corn, or even a mixture of all of these.

It attracts bears

Suet, a type of wild bird food, is particularly appealing to bears. Bears have a keen sense of smell and will often follow their noses to find high-calorie bird food. However, you shouldn’t feed bears or leave bird seed out on your porch.

It attracts woodpeckers

Suet is a low-cost, high-energy food that is popular with backyard birds, such as woodpeckers. Suet attracts a variety of species, including woodpeckers, cardinals, chickadees, and wrens. It is not uncommon to see these birds feeding in your backyard or on your deck, and feeding suet is an excellent way to attract them.

It attracts nuthatches

If you’d like to attract Nuthatches to your yard, you’ll want to offer them suet. This small, black-and-white bird is a primarily insectivore and a good source of natural control of insect infestations. It often forages underneath tree bark for insects. They also eat nuts, seeds, and suet.