A sugar glider food based on pellets provides a high-quality diet full of vitamins, minerals, and other healthy ingredients. Ingredients in the first ingredient list include porcine meal, wheat, shrimp, and poultry. Other high-protein ingredients include yogurt, cooked lean hamburger meatballs, and cherry tomatoes. Sugar glider pellets are a great way to feed a pet that enjoys the same healthy foods that humans do.
Exotic Nutrition
You can provide your sugar glider with a wide variety of fruit-flavored foods by mixing the powdered Re-Hydrate with Exotic Nutrition HPW. Then, the mixture can be mixed with fruit juice or water for your glider. The powdered food is highly digestible. For a more exciting meal, mix it with the Premium Sugar Glider Diet, which contains 40% fruit and 60% protein.
You can also give your sugar glider a healthy treat – live mealworms and crickets. It is possible to train them to hunt live mealworms with crickets, but they will need their commercial food. However, you should only give them commercial treats sparingly. Excess sugar can cause obesity and malnutrition. You should avoid giving your glider too much sugar, as it could harm their health.
Zookeeper’s Secret
The Sugar Glider Care community has created a new diet based on Zookeeper’s Secret, a semi-soft pellet food. This food contains animal protein to provide a better balance of amino acids and is suitable for insectivores and carnivores. Many glider owners have found that Zookeeper’s Secret is more palatable than other pellet foods, but this does not mean that you should switch your glider’s current diet. You can always test Zookeeper’s Secret for a night and see how your glider reacts to it.
You can also mix up your own diet by adding a few ingredients to the Zookeeper’s Secret. A few of these include sweet potato, honey, and chicken. You can also mix in fruit juice or yogurt juice. If you’d like to make it even more convenient, freeze it in ice cube trays. This food can be provided as a staple for your glider. Zookeeper’s Secret also contains calcium and vitamin A, which are essential for healthy bones and teeth.
Exotic Nutrition Glider Complete
If you’re looking for a complete diet for your sugar glider, Exotic Nutrition Glider Complete is the way to go. This pellet food is fortified with vitamins and minerals and contains eight different varieties of real fruits and vegetables. This diet is a great way to introduce variety into your glider’s diet without the hassle of additional supplements. You can buy this food online for as little as $16 per pound.
Exotic Nutrition’s Premium Glider Diet is made with animal-based protein and contains the right levels of vitamins and minerals. It also contains probiotics and Yucca Schidigera, as well as calcium carbonate. It also has natural ingredients like bee pollen and honey. The diet is recommended by veterinarians. Each bag of Glider Complete contains enough food for one sugar glider for about three weeks.
Exotic Nutrition Instant-HPW
Sugar gliders are gummivores, which means that they feed primarily on gums and nectars. You can give them HPW to supplement their diets or add to a pellet diet. The powder can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer and served immediately, or it can be frozen into individual servings and served later. It also contains Yucca extract, a natural pet deodorizer, and is palatable to gliders and is also readily available in several flavor varieties.
These sugar glider pellet foods are made from all natural ingredients and are rich in vitamins and nutrients. They can be fed as a primary diet or can be supplemented with fresh fruit and vegetables. The pellets are easy to prepare and are readily digestible by sugar gliders. Exotic Nutrition sugar glider food is available in seventy percent protein content, a great value for money.
Live prey
It is important to keep your sugar glider’s diet simple and wholesome. Unlike their wild counterparts, sugar gliders do not thrive on fruit, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Therefore, introducing these foods to your glider’s diet can have adverse effects on its health. They do not get the calcium and protein that their bodies need to stay healthy, and eating fruit-based foods will make them prone to periodontal disease and osteoporosis. As they are prone to malnutrition, it is important to offer only the purest, highest quality foods to your glider.
Sugar gliders also benefit from live prey. A good source is crickets and mealworms, which gliders can hunt for. Sugar glider pellet food should include a variety of insects, which are considered healthy and nutritious by sugar gliders. Crickets, which are natural prey for sugar gliders, should be fed along with a good quality cricket food that is dusted with a complete vitamin/mineral supplement. Chopped veggies and fruit are also recommended but should be chopped into pieces to avoid the risk of the pet becoming spoiled by their favorites.
Fruits and vegetables
Your sugar glider should be fed a variety of fruits and vegetables in addition to their regular pellet food. Ideally, their diet should contain at least three to four different types of fruit. Try to avoid giving them rhubarb or anything that has an Asian flavoring, like garlic or onions. Instead, choose fruits and vegetables that are high in fibre. Fruits and vegetables should make up at least one-third of their diet.
Fresh fruits and vegetables should make up 25 percent of the sugar glider’s diet. Typically, one apple should make up about an eighth of a cup of fresh fruit or vegetable per day. Be sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before placing them in the cage. If possible, choose organic fruit and vegetables to avoid pesticides and other potentially harmful chemicals. Also, avoid foods high in oxalates, which may interfere with calcium absorption in the sugar glider’s digestive system.