The Benefits of Organic Chicken Feed

organic chicken feed

If you are raising chickens to produce eggs, it is important to use organic feed. Organic feed does not contain animal by-products, antibiotics, hormones or genetically modified seeds which could harm their development.

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However, is the added cost worth it?


It’s Natural

As its name implies, organic chicken feed is made with natural products and does not contain any harmful chemicals or pesticides that could adversely impact their health. Organic feed offers more advantages when choosing to feed your flock.

To qualify as organic, grains and seeds used to make chicken feed must be produced using an organic farming method and be free from antibiotics, GMOs, herbicides and synthetic fertilizer. Furthermore, certified farms must source it.

Organic feed production requires more time and labor intensive labor, leading to its higher cost compared with conventional. Organic feed is more environmentally friendly as it does not contribute to runoff of hazardous chemicals into rivers and lakes that could have long term adverse impacts on wildlife; additionally it does not use pesticides that leach into groundwater sources that potentially contaminate it; making organic the more environmentally and health conscious choice when drawing water from local reservoirs or wells.

It’s Safe

Organic chicken feed ensures your flock remains healthy by eliminating additives from their diet, protecting against health issues that could impact egg production or cause complications for human consumers. Plus, its greater nutritional benefits mean your eggs are also healthier for consumption!

Conventional poultry feed contains various chemicals such as hormone disruptors, antibiotics, coccidiostats and antifungals that can lead to various illnesses in chickens. Organic chicken food differs in that it uses natural and safe ingredients like wheat, barley, peas, flaxseed meal soybeans molasses fish meal vitamin D sesame oil as its ingredients instead.

Due to being free from pesticides, organic chicken feed may be more expensive than conventional feed. But you can lower costs by producing it yourself; fermenting homemade or organic feed provides many of the same health benefits claimed for fermented foods ingested by humans.

It’s Ethical

Selecting organic chicken feed gives you peace of mind knowing you’re not introducing harmful chemicals into your flock or environment, especially since children and unborn fetuses are most at risk from pesticide exposure.

Organic chicken feed is produced without using synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilisers, opting instead for natural processes like crop rotation and cover cropping to improve soil health and reduce pollution in rivers and lakes. Organic poultry food production benefits both land, wildlife, and reduces pollution in our waters.

Raising backyard chickens comes with many advantages, not least the assurance of fresh, nutritious eggs. Feeding organic allows your birds to produce the highest-quality eggs with better nutritional profiles; less risk of health issues and enhanced flavor make this an easy and cost-effective alternative to purchasing pricey organic eggs from stores.

It’s Affordable

Organic chicken feed may be more expensive than its non-organic counterpart, but its numerous advantages make up for any additional expenses. Notably, organic poultry food contains no harmful chemicals or toxins which could negatively impact egg laying or overall health; additionally, its reduced environmental footprint prevents any runoff which might pollute rivers, lakes or the ocean.

Organic poultry feed must meet certain standards to be certified organic. These guidelines include not containing antibiotics, drugs or hormones as well as grains grown without synthetic pesticides and herbicides – free range birds should have access to outdoor spaces as part of their feeding experience – plus protein sources like soybean meal, canola meal and sunflower meal as a protein source – it also cannot include animal by-products like manure or urea!