The Favorite Food of Ducks

Ducks, like other waterfowl, feed on everything from pondweed and seeds to insects and grains. They even enjoy some vegetables and grains!

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Though it may be tempting to give them bread or crackers, these aren’t particularly nutritious and could lead to weight gain. Instead, provide cracked corn or rolled oats as a nutritious alternative.


Meal Worms

Ducks enjoy a variety of foods, but mealworms in particular. These worms provide them with essential protein for producing high-quality eggs.

Mealworms are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. On a dry weight basis, they contain 70% proteins, 6-11 percent fats, and niacin.

However, it’s recommended that you only feed your ducks a moderate amount of mealworms. Too much protein can cause their wings to become droopy and pointed (known as Angel Wing).

Your duck’s daily food should consist of nutritious fruits, vegetables and grains such as cucumbers, peas, corn, broccoli, squash and carrots.

Feeder Goldfish or Minnows

Ducks are omnivores, enjoying a wide variety of food sources. Fruit, seeds, insects and fish all play an integral part of their natural diet.

Many people find feeder goldfish or minnows to be an ideal food choice for their ducks. These fish require minimal upkeep and can be fed a variety of foods.

They contain high protein levels which benefit the ducks. Furthermore, their low fat content makes them particularly beneficial to those prone to weight gain in ducks.

They can be an excellent source of calcium and iron. However, it’s best to consume them in moderation as too much may lead to egg binding or soft-shelled eggs if fed too frequently.


Ducks enjoy eating vegetables, especially fresh produce such as peas and sweetcorn – they can also be safely consumed frozen or canned. Mix these veggies with seeds for an enjoyable protein-rich ration of bird food.

Vegetables refer to a group of edible parts of plants, including fruits, flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds. Not only do they provide important dietary fiber and minerals but also antioxidants and phytochemicals. Vegetables also make great snacks due to their nutrient-rich composition.

Vegetables and fruits are essential components of a nutritious diet, providing various nutrients that promote good health. Studies have even linked regular consumption of vegetables with lower risks of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and chronic illnesses.


Ducks enjoy a variety of foods, such as fruits and vegetables, seafood and some animal proteins. Additionally, they enjoy some weeds, herbs and flowers.

Fruits are botanically defined as the edible portion of a seed plant, such as an apple, peach or orange. They develop from flowers which require pollination for growth into fully mature ovaries containing seeds.

Vegetables, on the other hand, are herbaceous plants grown for their edible parts such as leaves, stems, bulbs or tubers. Pumpkins, squash and other veggies like cucumbers are actually fruits since they originate from flowers on vines that need pollination in order to grow. Vegetable seeds also contain seeds which can germinate into new plants with help from animals like birds and bats who assist in dispersing these seeds and fruits.


Bread is a favorite food of ducks, yet it lacks nutritional value. To ensure their wellbeing, ducks need to be fed an exclusive diet with all necessary vitamins and minerals.

Additionally, they require a varied diet. Greens such as kale collards, broccoli, peas and zucchini are all excellent choices for them.

Fruits like bananas, watermelon, peaches and apples make ideal treats for them.

When feeding your ducks, provide them with a range of foods that mimic what they would find in the wild. This includes grasses, slugs, bugs, succulent plant foliage and some small amounts of grains and berries.