The Gecko Diet in the Wild

gecko diet in the wild

Wild geckos feed on a variety of insects. They consume flies, mosquitos, beetles, crickets and cockroaches.

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They consume other invertebrates such as worms, snails, caterpillars and moths. Furthermore, they take advantage of small rodents like mice or voles for food.



Geckos feed on a variety of insects in the wild, such as crickets, wax worms and mealworms. These live foods provide essential nutrients for your lizard’s wellbeing.

Leopard geckos occasionally consume their own shed skin, which provides them with protein and minerals. However, it should be noted that they don’t do this often.

When feeding your leopard gecko, only feed him insects that are smaller than the space between his eyes (to prevent choking and impaction). If you must use larger insects, make sure they are gut loaded and dusted with vitamin powder before giving them to your pet.

At your local pet store or online, you can purchase various feeder insects such as crickets, mealworms and super worms.


Geckos in the wild feed on a variety of insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, beetles, caterpillars, flies and small scorpions. In their quest for food they may also consume other lizards or rodents – especially newborn ones – at times.

In captivity, it’s essential to feed your pet gecko a diet that closely replicates their natural one. This means providing live insects instead of dead bugs or freeze-dried ones which won’t stimulate their innate hunting instinct.

Crickets are the most common feeder insects, but you can also offer mealworms, super worms and butter worms as a high protein, low fat diet. It is recommended to dust crickets and mealworms with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements before feeding them to your reptile.


Fruits are an integral part of the diet for many geckos, such as crested, gargoyle, chahoua, day and mourning geckos.

These geckos enjoy both fruit and insects alike. Some safe fruits to feed them include apples, pears, cantaloupe, papayas, mangoes and peaches.

However, certain fruits can be toxic for these reptiles to consume. Fruits like avocados, starfruit and rhubarb should be avoided as they contain toxic compounds which could harm these species of geckos.

Fruits that are high in calcium and low in phosphorus can be an ideal addition to a gecko’s diet, while those high in oxalic acid should not be fed frequently as they deplete bioavailable calcium, potentially leading to Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) or Floppy Tail Syndrome (FTS).


Wild geckos feed on a variety of insects, worms, snails and caterpillars. They may also take advantage of smaller animals like mice, rats, voles and shrews for sustenance.

Pet geckos in captivity typically feed on live insects like crickets and mealworms. These insects are easily bred in captivity and require minimal upkeep – plus, these nutritious snacks help your pet maintain a healthy protein to calcium ratio.

To provide your gecko with a balanced diet, mix insects with minerals like vitamin D3 and calcium supplements. Doing this will guarantee that your pet gets all of the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs to stay healthy and active.

Some crested geckos prefer a meat-based diet, such as beef or chicken baby food. Unfortunately, these foods tend to be high in sugar and additives which are detrimental for gecko health. Instead, try providing your gecko with some romaine lettuce along with calcium and vitamin D supplement powder in granule form for added nutritional value.