Top 5 Supplements For Dog Skin Treatment

dog skin treatment

Animals suffering from skin infections can be difficult to accurately identify immediately due to symptoms that mimic each other. Dermatitis, parasites and other bacterial infections often have symptoms that appear similar.

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Vitamin E oil can make your pup more comfortable by soothing and moisturizing dry or itchy patches of skin. Apply it regularly as needed for best results.


Fish Oils

Fish oil supplements can help your dog’s skin and coat remain in top condition. Their essential fatty acids help relieve itchy skin irritations while simultaneously encouraging the development of healthy fur growth and moisturizing its coat.

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements that can reduce inflammation both locally and throughout the body. They provide protection from inflammation while simultaneously decreasing it in skin cells as well as throughout organ systems.

Fish oils may help your dog manage allergies by controlling itchy scratching that leads to skin breaks, and helping reduce joint pain associated with allergies. While these fish oils do not serve as standalone treatments for allergies or health conditions, they must instead form part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential lipid-soluble antioxidant that can add shine and radiance back into your dog’s coat and skin. Not only is it an anti-inflammatory, it has also been used successfully against cataracts in human patients. Vets commonly recommend it as a topical treatment for dry or itchy skin conditions and its availability can be found in various pet products like rubbing oils.

Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, helping to neutralize free radicals that could potentially harm your dog’s cells and reduce inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis in dogs. You can find Vitamin E-rich foods like egg yolks, liver, fish liver oil, kale and carrots. However, bleeding disorders necessitate that vitamin E supplements not be administered or applied topically before performing tests first on their skin to be sure it won’t irritate.


Chamomile is an uplifting herb with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, mild astringent, and healing properties that may also help alleviate skin irritation and allergies.

Chamomile can be administered either orally in the form of liquid or chewable supplements, applied topically as a rinse, lotion, or salve, and/or found in over-the-counter products such as creams and shampoos. Always read labels thoroughly to make sure there are no other ingredients which could compromise the health of your dog.

If your dog suffers from irritated skin, a soothing chamomile tea rinse applied twice a day may provide soothing relief from itching and swelling. Chamomile also boasts antiseptic properties to heal minor wounds quickly while its antispasmodic and mild sedative effects help calm anxious or hyperactive dogs while its antispasmodic and mild sedative effects help ease stomach spasms, dispel gas, relax intestinal muscles and ease symptoms associated with digestive conditions like IBD or colitis.

Green Tea

Green tea is a superfood beloved by health enthusiasts and supplements. Packed with antioxidants to fight off cancer and soothe skin conditions and treat infections, green tea also boosts immunity – something especially helpful if your dog suffers from lymphoma that makes fighting infection difficult.

Make a simple tea for your dog to treat itching and improve their coat! Simply steep some fresh herbal tea bags in hot water, and apply the cool tea directly onto any itchy areas on their skin. Quercetin found in herbs will help to reduce itching by blocking histamine release; flavonoids found within these herbs promote healthy skin and hair growth; while vitamin C and E provide nourishment and stimulate natural collagen production in dry skin areas.