What Do You Feed a Wild Bird?

what do you feed a wild bird

If you want to attract a wild bird, you can provide a variety of foods and provide it with a comfortable habitat in your backyard. Apples, bananas, and other soft fruits are good choices and can be provided to the birds. These fruits can be sliced and filled with sugar water. You can also provide them with mealworms.

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Bruised or soft fruit

If you have a bird and want to feed it fresh fruit, you should know which ones are safe for them to eat. These foods provide important nutrients and fibre that are beneficial to your bird’s health. Some of these foods are citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits.

Bruised or soft fruit is a popular food for birds. It’s rich in fructose, which gives a bird a burst of energy. However, you should only feed it a small amount of this food.


Cereal is a great way to provide a nutritious snack for your wild bird. Many cereal varieties contain grains and are suitable for birds. Several common human cereals are suitable for birds, including Corn Flakes, Raisin Bran, Wheaties, Shredded Wheat, and Chex. Some cereals also have added vitamins and minerals.

You can also provide cereal in the form of fat balls, seed mixes, and homemade granolas. When feeding the bird, make sure to keep fresh water available.


When feeding wild birds, you should be aware of what they can eat and what they cannot. While there are many different foods that can be fed to birds, there are some things that you should avoid at all costs. For example, you should not give them red dyed corn, which is poisonous to people and livestock. You should also avoid giving them buttered popcorn and microwave popcorn, because these foods contain aflatoxins. If you do feed your backyard birds these foods, make sure to give them small amounts and use them up quickly.

A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables are suitable for wild birds. However, make sure to throw out any stale or rancid fruit before you give it to the birds. You can also feed them nuts, which contain protein and are very nutritious. Try to find a variety of nuts, which will appeal to different kinds of birds. Peanut butter is also a great source of energy and protein. Many different types of birds love to eat this treat, including Carolina wrens, Northern cardinals, and brown thrashers.


There are two ways to feed a wild bird: live mealworms and dried mealworms. Both are good for your wild friend. However, you must be very careful when choosing which mealworm to give your wild friend. Avoid mealworms that are intended for humans, as they contain flavors and spices that may be toxic to your bird. It is also important to remember that mealworms do not contain all the nutrients necessary for your bird’s diet.

The best place to put mealworms is in a small, sturdy container, such as a cat food tin or votive candle holder. This way, the mealworms won’t fly out when they want to. Feeding bluebirds may also help single parents stay nearby the nest. Some studies have shown that baby bluebirds fed with mealworms may survive longer and grow stronger. Even the adult birds require extra food during breeding season, when they spend a lot of time in the open and are exposed to harsh elements. Mealworms provide the protein needed by rapidly growing nestlings.


Suet can be a great food source for a variety of wild birds, especially insect-eating birds. However, it is important to purchase a quality product that contains actual suet and not rendered beef fat. It is also important to store the suet in a refrigerator until it is time to use it. Also, suet should not contain salt or sugar. Instead, use natural foods such as seeds, nuts, and insects as the primary ingredients.

Suet attracts a variety of species of birds, but most common are woodpeckers, chickadees, and nuthatches. Other types of birds that may visit your suet feeder include grosbeaks, blue jays, and thrashers.

Fruit seeds

Many wild birds will visit your home if you have fruit seeds available for them to eat. The ideal mix of fruits and nuts will attract a variety of birds. These include cardinals, chickadees, grosbeaks, jays, nuthatches, waxwings, and woodpeckers.

Raisins are a great addition to fruit bird feeders. You can give raisins to birds like the American robin, cedar waxwing, and brown thrasher. You can also put raisins in suet.


If you’re interested in feeding wild birds, you can grow millet in your backyard. This grain is not toxic, and it’s popular among ground-feeding birds like cardinals, sparrows, and doves. If you’re looking for a good variety, try white millet, also known as proso millet. It’s a favorite among cardinals, quail, and migratory sparrows. You can also grow millet in your garden, or even plant it in a bird feeder.

Millet is a small, round grain that is commonly included in wild bird seed mixes. While some birds toss this seed in favor of more nutritious options, many native species will readily accept millet as a food source. Millet is a good choice for feeding a variety of bird species, including finches, quail, and doves.