What Ducks Like to Eat

what ducks like to eat

Ducks are omnivorous, meaning they enjoy both meat and plants as part of their natural diet. Additionally, they will take in insects, small fish, and worms as well.

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Ducks enjoy a variety of fruits such as melon, berries, banana and peaches. These treats should be cut up into bite-sized pieces so they’re easier to swallow.



Vegetables are one of the best foods to feed ducks. Not only do they provide protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber that support their wellbeing; but their high water content makes them a perfect pick-me-up!

Leafy greens such as romaine, boy choy, cabbage, kale and collards are essential for ducks; they provide them with essential calcium since they produce soft-shelled eggs.

They may enjoy broccoli (cooked or raw), Brussels sprouts and cauliflower florets as well. Be sure to rip the leaves into small shreds so they are easier to swallow.

Fruits are another favorite treat for ducks. Berries, bananas, peaches and apples make nutritious snacks that they will love.


Fruits are both tasty and nutritious, making them ideal treats for ducks. Berries, apples, seedless grapes, melons, bananas, peaches, pears – they’re all ideal!

Some fruits can be hazardous to ducks, such as avocados and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. These may impede calcium absorption, leading to thin-shelled eggs.

Ducks also enjoy some treats from greens, herbs and weeds. Sprinkle bits of wheat grass, dandelion greens or fresh herbs into their water dish or pool for them to fish out.


Ducks enjoy a wide range of foods and require an balanced diet for optimal health. Furthermore, they drink an abundant amount of water daily so it is important to provide them with plenty of it.

Giving your ducks a nutritious snack is easy: feed them seeds. Not only are these high in calories, but they’re also packed with essential nutrients that promote their growth and wellbeing.

Sunflower seeds are a nutritious treat for ducks. Not only do they contain Thiamin and Vitamin E, but also iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc – essential vitamins and minerals your ducks will love!

Sunflower seeds can be fed to ducks raw or roasted, just make sure they’re unsalted. Salt is not good for ducks and may lead to issues like arterial hypotension (low blood pressure).


Nuts are an excellent source of protein, fats and vitamins for ducks. Additionally, they offer a way to incorporate fiber into their diets.

However, they can present a choking risk for ducks if not crushed before feeding.

Phospholipids may also contain phytates, which bind with certain minerals and reduce their absorption by the body.

Almonds provide essential protein and fiber for ducks, though they should be consumed in moderation.

They provide an excellent source of calcium, essential for bone growth and maintenance. Furthermore, they contain vitamin E which supports a strong immune system as well as healthy skin.


Rice and other whole grains are great treats for ducks, but it’s essential to limit their feedings. Too much could cause gastric upset as well as the loss of essential nutrients.

Other grains like wheat, barley and oats can also be fed to ducks in small amounts – both raw and cooked varieties.

Brown rice is the healthiest choice when it comes to nutrition, as it requires less processing and contains more fiber and essential nutrients than white rice does.

Many people mistakenly believe that feeding uncooked rice to birds will cause them stomach issues or even death. Thankfully, this rumor is unfounded.