What Human Food Can Parakeets Eat?

what human food can parakeets eat

There are several different kinds of human food that parakeets can eat. The first one is fruit. However, they should be fed in moderation. If they are fed in excess, they can experience tummy aches and obesity. Additionally, citrus fruits can upset their digestive system and cause diarrhea.

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Most fruits are safe to give your parakeet in captivity, but you should be careful with some types. Despite the high sugar content, fruits are packed with important nutrients and vitamins. It is best to concentrate on providing your parakeet with fresh vegetables. A bird-safe food holder is a great way to display your fruits and vegetables.

When you purchase fruit for your parakeet, try to choose organic fruits. They are not sprayed and are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Make sure to wash fruits well before serving them to your parakeet. Also, try to offer different types of fruit so that your bird can get the right amount of different nutrients.

Leafy greens

Parakeets love to eat leafy greens, green vegetables, and fruits. They also love to eat diced apples and melon rinds. Some fruits and vegetables that parakeets enjoy include carrots, peas, celery, and asparagus. Beets and corn are also a popular choice for these little feathery creatures.

Parakeets also like seeds. Seeds contain a good amount of protein. It’s a good idea to give your parrot small amounts of these as snacks. You can also give them earthworms. While domestic budgies are not likely to eat earthworms, wild parrots will if there’s nothing else available.

Greens are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for your parakeets. But make sure to check the ingredients to make sure they are low in oxalates. Leafy greens are also a good source of fiber.

Pitted fruit

Parakeets enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables. However, it is important to remember that some fruits contain cyanide, which is poisonous to birds. If you have your birds around when you’re eating fruit, it’s best to remove the pits. Fruits that are suitable for parakeets include navel oranges, mangos, and melons.

Fruits are great sources of vitamins A and C. Just make sure that the pits are removed or your parakeet won’t be able to digest them properly. Peaches and pears are both great sources of fiber. However, before you serve them, make sure to remove the skins and seeds, as the seeds can be poisonous.

Cherries are another good option. They’re tasty and nutritious. Parakeets love cherries! They’re part of their natural diet and can provide tons of useful nutrients. While cherries contain amygdalin, you can still serve them to your pet. Just make sure that you buy organic ones.

Baby food

If you don’t have fresh vegetables to offer your parakeet, you can try giving it baby food. However, you have to make sure that the food is natural and that it contains vegetables. It’s also best to avoid eating baby food that contains any sweet ingredients. Instead, feed your parakeet whole grain bread, broken into small pieces. You can also feed it dried rolls or rusks.

You can also make your own baby food for your parrot. To make this food, you’ll need a big container of fresh blueberries or blackberries. Also, you’ll need a package of wheat germ or rolled oats. To sweeten the mixture, you can add some honey or brown sugar. You can also add some molasses if you’d like.


Some people will try to feed their parakeet cereals, but they may not be very healthy for your parakeet. This can lead to diarrhea and discomfort, so you should watch them carefully. You can also add nuts and seeds to their diet. Nevertheless, they must be given food without sugar.

Cereals are made from whole grain corn flakes, which are high in fiber. They also contain more vitamins and minerals. Fiber is good for the digestive system and helps prevent obesity and fatty liver disease. But remember to avoid foods that contain artificial colors and dyes. Some food dyes are carcinogenic and have been linked to allergies.

Cereal is not an ideal choice for parakeets because it is high in sugar and can be harmful for them. Try using millet or sunflower seeds instead. You can give your parakeet a scant teaspoon of dry seed mix occasionally. Moreover, you should avoid giving your pet food with chemical preservatives and artificial flavors. Also, try to limit processed convenience foods to no more than 20% of their diet. To make the diet more wholesome, you can hull the seeds and remove them before giving them to your birds.