There can be an intimidating amount of chicken feed terminology out there that may be daunting for new and semi-experienced flock owners alike. Terms such as “mash”, “grower feed”, and “medical or unmedicated” can often prove too confusing for most owners to understand.
Starter and Grower chicken feed is designed to give young chicks, pullets and cockerels all of the essential protein levels they require in order to be active, healthy birds.
Chick starter feed is used to raise baby chicks until they’re old enough to become laying hens. Formulated with high levels of protein (24%-20%) to support rapid development, and sometimes medicated with amprolium as a coccidiostat (which prevents intestinal parasites that cause diarrhea in young chickens from invading), chick starter is often medicated against coccidiosis – an intestinal protozoa that can lead to deadly diarrhea outbreaks in baby chickens – in young birds.
Chicken feed comes in pellet, crumble or mash form. Many owners of poultry prefer using mash because it more closely resembles dirt than crumbles or pellets and is easier for baby chicks to grab than crumbles or pellets; furthermore it reduces waste as its not ground into an oblong shape like crumbles or pellets are. Most starter feed contains anticoccidiostat medication to protect newborn chicks against disease while some companies make combination starter-grower feed so you don’t have to change feeds between stages while minimizing waste production and waste generation.
As soon as your chicks reach 20 weeks old, their dietary requirements differ greatly from that of baby chicks; therefore, an appropriate feed ration such as chicken grower feed should be offered to them.
Grower chicken feed is a complete food solution in crumble form that contains 20% protein to promote optimal growth. The feed may include either medication or no medication to protect against coccidiosis.
Grower feed contains ingredients like soybean meal, wheat, flaxseed, alfalfa and other legumes, vegetable matter and additional nutrients. We carry non-GMO chicken grower food from Country Organics that is soy-free and contains certified organic grains; additionally it features Kep and Flaxseed for additional nutrition benefits. A great choice whether raising chickens for eggs, meat or natural mowing. Use until they start laying then switch over to layer feed!
Chicken layer feed is specifically tailored to meet the dietary requirements of laying hens, with 16-18% protein and ample calcium supplementation to facilitate egg shell production. Lacking access to enough calcium in their diet, these birds may take it from their bones instead, potentially harming kidneys and decreasing egg production over time.
Layer feed contains less protein than starter or grower rations to slow the development of teenage chicks and reduce kidney and liver problems, and increase egg production. Furthermore, chicken food tailored specifically for mature hens typically features higher levels of other vitamins and minerals that support optimal egg production.
Layer feed comes in various forms – mash, crumbles or pellets – designed to satisfy different types of flocks’ dietary needs. Mash is made up of ground up grains and unprocessed ingredients mixed into a thick mass that has an almost sandy-like consistency for easy digestion by your flocks. Crumbles feature more compact granule sizes while minimising waste while pellets combine mash with vegetable oil as a binder to form long and oval-shaped pellets easily picked up by flocks’ flocks.
Grower chicken feed is designed to meet the dietary needs of chicks and pullets as they move from juvenile status into adulthood, without medicating like chick starter, while providing more protein for muscle development, growth and weight gain. Most manufacturers offer this food in pellet form while some also make crumble varieties.
Crumbles can be an excellent option for many flock owners as their soft texture more closely mimics a chicken’s natural diet, yet may create more waste than pellets do.
Feed designed specifically to foster strong laying hens is typically high in proteins and phosphorous to provide your flock with all of the essential nutrients. Sometimes fortified with lysine for egg production enhancement as well as helping prevent coccidiosis in older birds.