What Not to Feed Parakeets

When it comes to feeding your pet bird, you must learn what to give your parrot. Parakeets do not like shells, and you need to provide your bird with high-quality bird pellets. Look for brands that are recommended by veterinarians and pet stores. Avoid supermarket varieties because they often contain preservatives, colors, and artificial flavors. Read on for more information. But be careful: there are some foods that you should never give your parrot.

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Some fruits are dangerous for parakeets. Citrus fruits, like grapes, can upset the digestive system and cause choking, while other fruits are poisonous to birds. Peaches, cherries, and grapes are generally fine, but be aware of their pits and seeds. These fruits can contain cyanide and other harmful substances that could make your bird sick. You can also give your bird pitted fruit, which is fine, but should be avoided.


When choosing fruits and vegetables for your parrot, remember that they should only be fresh. Store-bought seed diets contain preservatives and dyes. Fruits for parakeets include bananas, apples, strawberries, pineapple, coconut, and grapes. These foods provide important nutrients for the birds. Also avoid packaged or dried fruit because they contain dyes and preservatives.


While you may think that bread is safe for your pet, this is far from the case. Most breads are loaded with additives and preservatives that are not good for your bird. These can be harmful to its kidneys and digestion. Additionally, most brands of bread contain harmful preservatives like BHA and BHT. This is not good for your parakeet, and it can result in gastrointestinal distress and permanent illness.


There are several reasons why onions are not good for parakeets. The compounds found in onions, which are naturally occurring in plants, irritate the digestive tract of birds, causing ulcers. Consuming too much onion can lead to hemolytic anemia, and the sulfur content can rupture red blood cells, leading to weakness. Onions are also known to induce intestinal problems in birds, causing loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and even hemolytic anemia.


The smell and taste of fresh garlic can be detrimental to birds. Garlic should be given to parakeets only in small doses. Fortunately, garlic is not as harmful as onions, but it is still best to avoid giving it to your bird. Garlic is rich in sulfur compounds that can break down blood cells. However, garlic can cause anemia in your bird when given in large doses. If you do accidentally give your bird garlic, make sure to consult a veterinarian.


Parakeets can become addicted to Millet if you overfeed them. To avoid this, try to introduce Millet slowly. After about a week, you can remove it. Parakeets learn to associate humans with good food, so be sure to avoid overfeeding them. Millet is an excellent source of fiber, so give it a little bit every day.


While parakeets shouldn’t be fed tomatoes, they can enjoy them in moderation. Tomatoes contain potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining blood pressure. Besides being rich in nutrients, they also make a tasty snack for your bird. However, you should limit the amount that you feed your parakeet to avoid upset stomach. While tomatoes are good for parakeets, it’s best to keep the amount you feed them to a small amount to avoid any problems.

Tomato seeds

Although tomatoes can be beneficial for birds, they are also toxic to them. Tomatoes are 94 percent water and the leaves are poisonous. Their main nutrients are simple sugars and insoluble fibers. The fiber found in tomatoes prevents gastrointestinal problems. Additionally, they contain antioxidants that prevent inflammation, stabilize blood sugar, and protect against cancer. The other nutrients found in tomatoes include vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. These nutrients help the bird’s body function and maintain a healthy diet.