What Should Parakeets Eat?

what should parakeets eat

Fruit is a great source of vitamins and minerals for your bird. Dried fruits and packaged fruit can have dyes or preservatives. Fresh fruits are great for your birds, too, and offer essential nutrients. Some great fruit options include bananas, grapes, mango, pineapple, apricots, blueberries, and berries. Because parakeets are classified as granvores, store-bought seed diets don’t provide enough vitamins or nutrients for your bird.

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When it comes to vegetables, parakeets love broccoli, cauliflower, celery, and other green veggies. Although some sources say that these vegetables can cause digestive problems, most parrot owners report that they do not experience any side effects. Celery leaves, for example, are not particularly high in nutrients, but are high in water. Even the most ardent veggie-refuser will be won over by this delectable treat.


Providing a varied diet is vital for your parakeet’s health. Fruits are a good source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. Try to purchase organic fruits so you can be sure that they are not sprayed. Always wash fruits thoroughly before serving them to your pet. Fruits can contain a lot of sugar, so be sure to keep this in mind. However, your parakeet may not be as interested in sugary fruits.


The use of pellets for parakeets has become increasingly popular as pet owners have seen more birds live longer, happier lives. Seeds alone are not a complete diet for parakeets, as they are high in fat and lack essential vitamins and minerals. Even coated seed mixes fall short when it comes to complete nutrition, since the bird has to hull and crack the seed, destroying the vitamins and minerals.

Whole-grain bread

Besides being tasty and nutritious, whole-grain bread is also great for parakeets. Although bread contains carbohydrates and sodium, it should be limited to 5% of your parakeet’s daily diet. Organic whole-grain bread contains the highest amount of nutrients and antioxidants and should be fed to your pet. It is recommended that you make your own bread, but store-bought varieties are also fine.


For a pet bird, cherries are a healthy and nutritious choice. They are rich in iron, which helps produce hemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the bird’s body. A parakeet’s blood can become anemic if it lacks iron. Aside from iron, cherries also contain calcium, which strengthens parakeet’s bones. Each 100 grams of cherry has 18 milligrams of Calcium. Calcium is also important for nervous system regulation and heart rate.


You’ve probably wondered why your Parakeets should eat Aprikots. Apricots are one of nature’s most delicious fruits. They are known for their velvety skin and sweet flesh. They belong to the Prunus genus, which also includes plums, peaches, and cherries. Although the fruit is thought to have originated in China or Central Asia, it has since spread throughout North America, Europe, and Australia. It is a fruit packed with nutrition and benefits.

Apricot pits

Although they look like a normal fruit, apricots contain a dangerous stone. The poisonous substance is amygdalin, which turns into cyanide once ingested. Luckily, this substance is only harmful if the stone is chewed or consumed. So, apricots should be fed sparingly. However, if you choose to offer your pet apricots, you should make sure they don’t consume the pits.


Peaches are a great food source for parakeets. They are a good source of vitamin C and vitamin A. However, they should be cut into smaller pieces because they contain a toxic pit. They are also rich in fiber, so be sure to remove them before feeding your parakeet. If you can’t find fresh peaches, raspberries are an excellent alternative. They are both high in vitamin C and fiber.