Giardia is an intestinal parasite composed of one-celled protozoan bacteria that lives within the intestinal tract of dogs and can easily spread from animal to animal through fecal contamination, particularly when present in environments like vet offices, pet stores or dog parks where dogs congregate together.
An infection of this sort is commonly spread when dogs lick each other’s fur or consume contaminated food and water sources, with symptoms including diarrhea.
Bland Food
Giardia infections in dogs typically result in watery, greenish-yellow or yellow-tinged diarrhea that often contains blood. Your vet will likely recommend medications, while providing your dog with a bland diet may also help.
A bland diet includes food that is easy to digest and helps soothe the intestines, such as chicken, turkey, beef or lamb boiled with low-fiber vegetables like potatoes or rice, broth pudding eggs tea. Other mildly-flavored items are also part of this type of diet plan.
Giardia is an infectious protozoa that can easily spread between pets through contact such as licking, playing or sharing food bowls and water sources contaminated with it. Additionally, this parasite is easily caught at dog parks, kennels, veterinarian offices or anywhere where multiple dogs congregate such as dog parks, kennels or veterinarian offices; additionally it’s capable of infiltrating humans causing diarrhea in immunocompromised people such as those suffering from AIDS or cancer.
Giardia is a protozoal parasite that inflicts diarrhea upon dogs. The parasite often spreads between canines in close quarters such as dog parks or kennels and it can easily infiltrate weak immune systems as feces exchange occurs between animals. Humans with compromised immune systems such as those living with HIV/AIDS or cancer are particularly at risk from contracting Giardia infections, leading to diarrheal symptoms including vomiting.
Symptoms of an infection in pets include diarrhea that is either bloody or contains mucus, loss of appetite and weight loss, fever and lethargy – but all these problems can easily be treated by visiting a vet.
Your veterinarian will need a stool sample in order to accurately diagnose an infection and prescribe treatment medication. Please bring in a fresh stool sample from within 24 hours of collection in an empty pill bottle which has been washed and labeled.
Vegetable Supplements
Giardia are parasitic protozoans (one-celled organisms) which can spread between dogs and humans by eating or licking infected animal faeces, drinking contaminated water or by being inhaled through breathing contaminated air. Once inside their hosts’ systems, Giardia have hard shells which protects them until a new host arrives; once found they often excrete cysts.
Giardia can be treated effectively through medication prescribed by your veterinarian. Metronidazole will eliminate parasites faster and help the body recuperate quicker, leading to quicker healing times for your pup.
Once giardia has been eliminated from your pet’s system, natural supplements should be used as aftercare to support digestive and immune health. A supplement such as NHV Yucca provides customized dosing based on weight for maximum effectiveness – its formulation features yucca extract in a vegetable glycerin base to heal intestinal tissues while decreasing inflammation levels, improving immune system functionality of both body and gut.
Giardia parasites require hosts in order to flourish; when found in the stool of an infected animal (particularly young dogs who may be more at risk due to still developing immune systems), they become highly infectious and rapidly spread through its system. Once consumed, single-celled trophozoites migrate into mammals’ small intestines before secreting cysts into faeces that can easily spread among other mammals, including humans, wildlife, and domestic pets.
Once a dog is diagnosed with giardia, their vet will likely prescribe medications to combat both infection and support digestive tract healing. They may also suggest a diet with easy digestion that supports intestinal healing.