What to Feed My Pet Duck

what to feed my pet duck

Ducks need simple, nutrient-rich foods to remain healthy. If they get too much of something that’s not nutritious, they can become overweight.

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Bread is a classic example of this, but other processed foods like stale donuts or crackers aren’t healthy for ducks to eat. Instead, try a handful of chopped up fresh fruit or veggies for them to munch on!



Greens are a great addition to your duck’s diet. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals that help them stay healthy.

Lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, spinach and cabbage are all safe for your pet duck to eat. They’re also a good source of fiber and protein.

However, be sure to cut them into small pieces so that your pet duck won’t choke on them. They’re also best if they’re float on water so that you don’t have to worry about long strands of leaves and other goodies getting caught in their digestive systems.

Spinach is an exception to this rule because it can interfere with calcium absorption, causing egg binding and soft-shelled eggs. If you do choose to feed your pet duck spinach, be sure to cut it into small chunks and only offer it sparingly.


Including fruits in your pet duck’s diet is a great way to provide them with essential vitamins and minerals. Fruits are also a good source of antioxidants and fiber, and they can help keep your duck healthy.

However, it is important to remember that fruit should only make up 10-20% of a duck’s daily diet. Overfeeding can lead to imbalances in their nutrition and can cause health problems.

Strawberries are a wonderful treat for your ducks and are safe to feed them as long as they are only given in small amounts. They are a good source of Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, manganese, and calories.


A good way to keep your duck happy and healthy is to provide them with a variety of foods. This includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Grains such as barley, wheat, oats and rice are all safe for ducks to eat. They contain niacin, which aids in digestion, promotes healthy bones and helps to support the immune system.

Other beneficial grains include quinoa and millet. These grains can be sprinkled out or used as a supplement in your duck’s daily feed.


Adding cheese to your duck’s diet is a great way to boost their protein intake. This is essential for their healthy growth and development.

In addition to providing your duck with the protein they need, cheese is also a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K and calcium. These nutrients help your duck’s bones and joints.

A diet rich in dietary proteins promotes strong, dense feathers, and helps them build a powerful immune system. When they don’t get enough protein, ducks can become sick or retain fluid.

For the best nutritional value, choose a commercially prepared duck feed specifically designed for waterfowl. The food should be stored away from rodents and insects to avoid contamination and mold growth.


Treats are an important part of your pet duck’s diet, especially when they’re young. They help them bond and learn how to hunt.

When choosing treats for your pet duck, always make sure they are nutritious. Choose foods that are high in protein and minerals, like eggs or brewer’s yeast.

Avoid foods that can be toxic to your duck such as cornflakes and popcorn hulls or kernels. These are difficult for ducks to digest and can become lodged in their throat and decay over time.

Fruits are another popular treat for ducklings and grown ducks. However, it’s best to cut these treats into small pieces and float them on water so they can reach them easily.