Vet Solution: If your dog has been vomiting for more than 24 hours, please seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Your veterinarian will likely prescribe fluid therapy and antiemetics in order to help stop further episodes of vomiting, as well as recommend a bland diet plan for your pup.
1. Pepto-Bismol or Kaopectate
Pepto-Bismol can help soothe and settle a dog’s upset tummy by using bismuth subsalicylate, but be sure to follow all dosing instructions and consult your veterinarian first before administering doses to your pup.
Most often, dogs who vomit do so to rid their digestive systems of anything nondigestible they have consumed; however, in certain instances vomiting could signal a more serious health problem or even be an early indicator of pancreatitis.
Rub your pup’s abdomen gently to provide comfort and help stop the vomiting. If the vomiting continues and they appear lethargic, drooling or disoriented call your veterinarian immediately for advice.
2. Water
Vomiting or regurgitating clear liquids are signs of stomach distress in dogs that can often be treated by diet. This often happens after too much water has been drunk too quickly after becoming active after drinking it.
Sheen suggests fasting for 12-24 hours, providing only easy-to-digest foods like cooked rice, potatoes or pumpkin puree without spices; infusing it with probiotics for optimal gut health – offering kefir is also beneficial!
Herbs like catnip, fennel and chamomile can act as anti-spasmodics to soothe an upset stomach and relieve nausea and indigestion symptoms.
3. Food
Whenever your dog vomits frequently due to dehydration (glazed eyes and lethargy), it’s vital that she receives extra nutrition. If your pup can keep food down on her own, only brief fasting periods may be required before eating normally again.
Rehydrate and provide nutrients for your sick pet with the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. When ready, offer bland food such as boiled chicken (without skin or seasonings) and rice as it will be easily digestible while providing essential protein sources. You could even sprinkle in ginger root powder to soothe her digestive tract further.
4. Ginger
Ginger can help calm dogs’ tummies and reduce motion sickness on long car rides, especially by stimulating digestion, relieving bloat, and helping prevent gastric dilation and volvulus (GDV). Plus, ginger contains antioxidants that may prevent cancer as well as ease arthritic discomfort.
Ginger root can be consumed safely by most dogs in either powdered or fresh form, though too much may lead to gas. Dogs with blood conditions should avoid giving it as it could affect clotting abilities or interfere with some medications; always consult your veterinarian prior to trying any supplements or herbal therapies, and give at least 30 minutes prior to car rides.
5. Chamomile
Chamomile is a daisy-like plant commonly used in herbal tea and is well-known for calming humans and dogs alike, making it one of the safest herbs available. Chamomile boasts anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative properties as well as being antimicrobial and wound healing properties – qualities which all are helpful properties in medicinal remedies.
It helps with stomach spasms that often result in vomiting in dogs and has been proven to decrease anxiety levels. However, this herb should not be given to pets who are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemum flowers, or any of the members of the Compositae (Asteraceae) flower family.
For dogs who are dehydrated due to consistent vomiting, add some drops of chamomile, marshmallow root and dandelion tincture into water and give it to them daily until they start feeling better.
6. Crab Apple Flower Essence
Dogs that ingest toxic houseplants or other household substances will vomit to expel any potentially toxic material out of their system – which is good, as it could save their lives.
Fennel can help dogs that struggle with body temperature regulation. Additionally, it stimulates digestion. Give one 15 lb dose of tinctured fennel.
For severe nausea with excessive drooling, shaky or nervous movement and lack of interest in food or water consumption, administer Ipecac root in 30c potency as homeopathy treatment to help rid their system of any toxins or other foreign material.