20 Protein Chicken Feed

20 protein chicken feed

Chickens require various nutrients for optimal health. These include proteins, calcium and Omega Fatty Acids.

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Chicks and pullets need more protein than adult hens as their bodies continue to expand rapidly; however, too much protein could cause kidney issues later.

This feed offers a balanced blend of protein, calcium, and other important vitamins and minerals for optimal egg laying performance. Furthermore, its convenient resealable bag keeps flavor freshness at its maximum!

High-Protein Grain Blend

Chickens get most of their protein needs met through meat consumption; however, plant-based sources also need to be included for a balanced diet. High-protein grains provide energy and B vitamins; examples include cornmeal, kamut (wheat berries), quinoa, millet, buckwheat and couscous as sources.

Our 20 protein chicken feed features an assortment of healthy ingredients designed to benefit both your flock and the environment. Its protein blend features gluten-free options derived from spent brewers grain (SBG), an upcycled ingredient which would otherwise be wasted, while it also features low-glycemic brown rice as an effective alternative to white.

Layer feed offers the optimal combination of protein and calcium that promotes top egg production from your flock. Use it as the main food source for adult laying hens and supplement it with fresh pasture, scratch, or kitchen scraps as necessary. Remember not to overburden their digestive systems with too much extra protein!

No Artificial Colors or Flavors

Many chicken keepers feel overwhelmed by the vast lexicon required to select appropriate feed for their flocks – there’s so much jargon like “mash”, “grower feed”, “chick starter”, and “layer feed”! To further complicate matters there are terms like mash”, grower feed”, grower feed”, and layer feed”.

At their core, chickens require a diet comprised of protein, calcium, grains, vegetables, greens, grit and salt in order to be healthy and thrive. High-quality proteins should be consumed to provide them with energy and nutrients needed to live long lives.

Look for a chicken feed that lists protein sources first as it will give a better indication of its quality. Common protein sources include meat meal and poultry meal which contain dehydrated muscle tissue as well as organs such as heads, feet, innards etc. Although more expensive than ground corn or soybean meal, these ingredients provide high-quality proteins with methionine content essential to poultry health.

Non-GMO Project Certified

This poultry feed is certified organic and Non-GMO Project Verified to give you peace of mind that your chickens are receiving natural ingredients without soy or corn allergens in their diets. Furthermore, its soy and corn free status makes it suitable for those attempting to eliminate potential allergens from their flock’s diet.

This poultry feed’s diverse blend of grains encourages your chicken’s natural instinct to search for sustenance, while being free of artificial colors and flavors ensures they’ll easily consume it without issue.

Alfalfa meal provides higher-grade proteins than soy for optimal hen health and performance, providing all essential amino acids they require to thrive. This feed is ideal for soy-free high-protein feed for their laying hens as well as ducklings, quail, and gamebirds and contains added Vitamins & Minerals for feather growth and strong eggshells.