AP23 Winter Patties

ap23 winter patties

AP23 winter patties are a high-carbohydrate feed for winter-building colonies. They contain 4% protein and 96% carbohydrates. They’re also made with yeast and contain homebrew. They are a convenient and affordable way to provide your bees with a healthy winter diet. The Pillow Box will give your bees more room and an upper entrance. If you haven’t tried them yet, you can learn about the benefits of this popular product.

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AP23 winter patties are 4% protein and 96% carbohydrates

AP23 winter patties are a great food for your honeybees during the coldest months of the year. They are low in protein and won’t stimulate brood rearing, but they are a great source of carbohydrates that will keep your colony alive. These patty treats come in two varieties: AP23 winter patties which contain 4% protein and 96% carbohydrates and Honey-B-Healthy which contains 96% carbohydrates. These patty treats should be placed directly onto the bee cluster to feed the bees. If you are planning to keep some of these winter patties for the next year, you can store them in the freezer until the next year.

AP23 winter patties are made from AP23 pollen, which is a blend of artificial pollen, sugar, and honey. They are meant for light wintering colonies, which don’t store much food. The winter patty is primarily a source of calories, and does not contain much protein. But the pollen patty and its substitutes contain more protein than winter patties, as these are meant for brood raising. Bees in the larval stage of the life cycle need more protein than the adult worker.

They are formulated for winter and spring build-up

AP23 winter patties are designed specifically for the winter and early spring build-up of honeybee colonies. They contain 96% carbohydrates and 4% protein, making them an excellent winter food for bees. They also provide a small amount of protein to your colony during winter, so they’re ideal for late winter when stores are low and hives need extra energy. Ap23 winter patties are available in a 40-pack and 10 pack box, and their weight is indicated on the package.

While sugar water is an excellent tool for honey bee management, it can also lead to hive conditions. Sugar water is a hydrating agent and can cause excess moisture in hives. Winter patties are a good solution to this problem and are easy to add to the hive. AP23 winter patties contain sugar and AP23 Pollen Substitute, as well as Honey-B-Healthy.

They contain yeast

If you’re thinking about trying AP23, or “Homebrew” winter patties, you’re not alone. There are many reasons to try this new supplement. In addition to being effective for preventing winter malnutrition, AP23 can boost the immune system of bees and help your colony grow. These products contain low levels of protein and are ideal for early winter when temperatures are still mild and you need to keep your colony from starving.

Unlike the popular “Super Bee” syrup, Ap23 winter patties are made with a high percentage of pollen. These patties are also rich in enzymes and essential fatty acids, which your bees need. Yeast can also aid digestion and promote a healthy hive. Ap23 winter patties are also easy to store, so you can easily replace them each year. Yeast and Homebrew patties are available in several flavors and types to meet your needs.

They are made from homebrew

AP23 Winter Patties are high-carbohydrate feeds for the honeybee colony to survive the cold winter months. They are a mix of Sugar, AP23, and Honey-B-Healthy. These patties can be stored in wax paper in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Keeping them below 70 degrees is recommended. These patties are the best way to supplement your honeybees’ diet during the winter months.

By the time alder pollen was introduced in January, all the colonies were producing at roughly the same rate. They continued to consume the supplement, and some colonies ate up to 6 pounds of Homebrew patties in that time. The colony also continued to produce comb above the frames. However, some colonies were not as aggressive as the other groups and did not consume the entire 6 pounds of syrup.

They contain alder pollen

AP23 winter patties are a high-protein supplement for bees. These patties are formulated with Honey-B-Healthy, an essential oil preparation, which increases the bee’s immune system and feeds its population. They are free of bee by-products and are the most effective feeding stimulant. They can be purchased in a box of ten patties or in larger boxes of 20 patties.

AP23 winter patties are a great alternative to commercial beefood. These patties are rich in carbohydrates and contain AP23 and Honey-B-Healthy. They should be stored below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Although they may melt if exposed to high temperatures, they are still edible and will last for a long time. When not in use, they can be placed in a wax paper container to keep them fresh and safe.