Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cabbage Everyday?

can guinea pigs eat cabbage everyday

Cabbage is an important nutrient for your guinea pig, but too much may lead to bloating and digestive issues in your pet.

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Guinea pigs are herbivores and should consume a variety of plant matter to get all of their essential vitamins, minerals and fiber.


Vitamin C

Guinea pigs require a varied diet to stay healthy. In addition to Timothy hay and pellets, they need regular access to leafy greens like arugula, parsley, and chard for nutrition.

Cabbage is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which is essential for guinea pig health. Additionally, it supplies potassium, magnesium, calcium and fiber among other essential nutrients.

Although cabbage can be a beneficial food choice for your guinea pig, it’s essential to limit its consumption to small amounts. Too much cabbage may lead to bloating and digestive issues.

Guiness pigs often enjoy green cabbage as a tasty addition to their diet, and it provides them with essential vitamin C. Be mindful though; cabbage contains high amounts of calcium which could increase the risk of urinary tract stones. To maximize nutritional value from this veggie, opt for a lower-calcium variety or mix it in with other low-calcium veggies.


Guinea pigs require calcium in their diets as it helps them build strong bones and teeth. Unfortunately, too much calcium may lead to bladder or kidney stones, so it’s important to feed cabbage with moderation.

Cabbage is packed with Vitamin C, making it a nutritious choice for guinea pigs. Plus, it’s low in calories and an excellent source of potassium.

Additionally, this food source contains plenty of fiber – essential for a healthy digestive system and keeping guinea pigs regular.

However, it is not recommended to give your guinea pig cabbage every day as this can lead to bloating and other digestive issues.

Guiness pigs should only consume purple and red cabbage varieties, as these contain higher levels of Vitamin C than Chinese cabbage and are lower in oxalates which could increase their risk for bladder and kidney stones.


Guinea pigs require a proper balance of calcium, phosphate and magnesium in their diet to avoid metastatic calcification – an illness that can occur if these minerals become deficient.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for guinea pigs, as it helps with calcium and phosphorus absorption and supports healthy bones, teeth and cartilage.

Guinea pigs’ health benefits from potassium as it helps maintain normal blood pressure and flushes out excess sodium.

Guinea pigs require iodine, molybdenum and selenium in their diets. These essential minerals support growth and development throughout life for these small creatures.


Cabbage is an incredibly nutritious vegetable, providing your guinea pig with all of the essential nutrients for healthy growth. Plus, it boasts plenty of dietary fiber which aids digestion and helps prevent constipation.

Sulfur is another essential nutrient for guinea pigs’ health, having been discovered to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

Guinea pigs require sulfur to keep their coats shiny and eyes sharp. It may also prevent hair loss, which is often an issue for these pets.

However, you should never feed cabbage to your guinea pigs too often as it contains high calcium levels which could lead to bladder stones in large amounts. This is especially important if the animal has a history of having bladder stones or calcium traces in their urine.