Heartworm treatment is an integral part of a cat’s care regimen. This can be done via monthly pills, chewables or topicals that help prevent heartworms from forming.
Cats who spend a lot of time outdoors are particularly vulnerable to contracting heartworm disease, but indoor pets can also get infected if bitten by infected mosquitoes. That’s why the American Heartworm Society urges all pet parents to put their cats on heartworm prevention medication.
Prevents heartworms
Heartworm treatment is an integral part of any comprehensive parasite prevention program for your cat. It shields them from heartworms as well as other internal parasites like hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms.
Heartworms are less common in cats than dogs, but they are still a serious and debilitating disease that can have fatal or debilitating consequences for your pet. Therefore, it is recommended that all cats – indoor or outdoors – receive year-round protection against heartworms in areas where they are common.
Your veterinarian will test your cat to make sure there are no adult worms present before prescribing a heartworm preventive. Doing so can cause rare but severe reactions which could potentially be hazardous or even lead to death for your cat.
Your veterinarian typically prescribes a heartworm preventive that is taken as an oral once-per month medication. This could be topical treatment like Revolution or a chewable pill such as Heartgard.
Prevents fleas and ticks
Heartworm treatment for cats provides protection from the most common parasites that can harm your pet, including fleas, intestinal worms* and heartworms as well as Sarcoptic mange and ear mites.
To protect your cat against heartworm and flea parasites, administering a year-round heartworm and flea treatment that also contains an anthelmintic ingredient is the best course of action. Your vet can assist in selecting the appropriate medication based on individual needs, and will conduct a heartworm test before issuing a prescription.
Fleas are not only itchy, but they can also cause skin allergies, ringworm and other parasitic diseases like Lyme disease. The best way to control fleas is with year-round flea and tick prevention that kills adult fleas and stops their eggs from hatching.
Mosquito-borne parasites are spread through mosquito bites on infected dogs, foxes, coyotes or other susceptible wild animals. Once inside a new host through the bite wound of an infected mosquito, microfilariae – microscopic baby worms – flourish in the bloodstream.
Prevents other parasites
Heartworms aren’t the only parasite you should worry about when owning a feline. Fleas, ticks and ear mites can all become issues if you fail to monitor your pet’s health.
The good news is that many of these problems can be easily prevented with the correct products and strategies. In addition to monthly heartworm medication, make sure your cat receives annual veterinary checkups and bloodwork to detect other issues before they become more serious.
Your vet may suggest other measures to keep your cat healthy and contented, such as regular exercise, nutritious food choices, access to fresh water at all times, and plenty of rest.
Utilizing the most efficient and safest medications is key to keeping your feline friend contented for years to come. So don’t wait any longer; order your heartworm medications online today to give your furry friend the medical support they deserve to live a long and healthy life.
Easy to administer
Heartworm disease, also known as feline heartworm infection, is spread to cats by mosquito bite. Cats who spend a lot of time outdoors are especially vulnerable but indoor pets can become infected as well.
Heartworm infection in dogs and cats varies in severity based on how many worms enter their hearts and lungs. Dogs with 30 or more worms can become severely ill; in cats, only a few worms may cause significant issues.
Diagnosing heartworm infection requires a combination of history, physical findings, chest x-rays, echocardiography and relevant blood tests. Antigen (which detects heartworm larvae in a sample) and antibody tests measure the body’s response to infection – all necessary elements for making an accurate diagnosis.
In addition to regular testing, the most effective way to protect against heartworm disease is with a year-round spot-on medication. Your veterinarian can assist in selecting the right product for your pet.