Choosing High Quality Wild Bird Seed

high quality wild bird seed

When choosing a bird seed blend, be sure to select the best-quality seed, and avoid the lower-quality blends which tend to include more fillers like oats and wheat. Fresh bird seed will not have excessive dust, empty hulls, or other inedible debris, and it should be free of mold and insects. Fresh seed is important for the health of your birds.

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Nyjer high quality wild bird seed is a great way to attract a wide variety of wild birds to your yard. This seed is high in fat and energy and is preferred by a wide range of seed-loving birds. Many types of birds eat Nyjer, including finches, sparrows, quail, and doves.

Nyjer seed comes from the seed of the African yellow daisy and is often referred to as “thistle seed.” The seed contains a good combination of protein and fat, making it an excellent source of energy for wintering birds. Nyjer seed needs to be kept dry to avoid spoilage. It is also best served in tube feeders that are hung away from other feeders.

Birds that eat Nyjer seed are small, sharp-pointed birds with small bills. They can easily crack the small seed. These birds also cling to feeders, and often eat upside down. This explains why you may see Nyjer seeds swaying and waving in the wind when they eat. If you’re feeding nyjer to finches, make sure you hang your feeder in an area that is out of the wind. It should also be placed at least ten feet from fences and railings.

Black oil sunflower

Black oil sunflower is a great seed for attracting a variety of wild birds to your yard. It’s an excellent source of energy for your backyard birds and is virtually allergen-free. It also has a relatively thin shell and is ideal for use in bird feeders. It’s also an economical choice, and the birds love it.

Black oil sunflower seed can be found at most grocery stores, and is a great choice for any feeder. You can also find high-quality brands at bird specialty stores. These brands often contain fewer fillers than cheaper store brands. You can also buy black oil sunflower seed online, which may be cheaper. Some retailers have excellent deals on black oil sunflower seed. They can be purchased at Amazon, or at bird specialty retailers.

Black oil sunflower seed is high in oil. If left out for too long, it will go rancid, and unappealing to birds. The best way to prevent this is to store seed in a cool, dry location outside your home, and keep it in a secure container. Never mix seeds with old ones, since it can increase the risk of contamination. The recommended seed storage period is two weeks in warm weather, and four weeks in cool weather. You should always have enough seed in your bird feeder to last for a few days.

Striped sunflower

If you want to attract a variety of wild birds to your yard, Striped Sunflower Seed is the perfect choice. They’re relatively inexpensive and attract many different species. You can dedicate a specific feeder to striped sunflowers or mix it in with your general bird seed mix. These seeds contain a wide range of nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Despite the fact that black oil sunflower seeds are more common, striped sunflower seeds are a popular choice among wild birds. These seeds are larger than their black oil counterparts, which means that birds will be able to eat them even if they’re smaller. The striped sunflower seeds are also more convenient for the birds because they don’t have to break open the shell. Black oil sunflower seeds have a thinner shell, which can be less attractive to small birds.

When choosing a sunflower seed, you need to pay attention to its quality. Some brands of sunflower seed are made with more non-seed items, while others are made with fewer. In addition to being softer to crack, black oil sunflower seeds contain more fat and calories than their striped counterparts. This extra fat will help your birds plump up before winter.


Safflower is a great seed for attracting a variety of wild birds. It is an excellent choice for bird feeders because it attracts desirable species and repels unwanted ones. Safflower can also be used to keep out squirrels and starlings. It is a high quality seed with a bitter taste.

Safflower seed is especially popular among finches, cardinals, and small finches. Its distinctive shape and bitter taste are also attractive to birds and deterred squirrels from scavenging at your feeder. These birds are always grateful for a variety of treats, so adding safflower seed to your bird feeding stations is a great addition to the birdlife in your area.

Safflower seed is similar to black oil sunflower seeds, but slightly smaller. Both seeds are white, tapered, and contain high levels of protein, fat, and fiber. Safflower is a good choice for backyard birds because it provides superior nutrition.