Dadant Pollen Patties

dadant pollen patties

Maintaining the nutritional health and longevity of honeybee colonies is of critical importance to their wellbeing and survival. Dadant pollen patties provide invaluable assistance during periods of pollen scarcity by providing necessary proteins.

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At this point in the experiment, most colonies are eagerly devouring their supplement patties. Patty feedings will continue over the coming weeks.


AP23 Pollen Substitute

AP23 is a dry pollen replacement product designed to provide honey bees with all of the protein they require for broodrearing and long-term storage as bee bread. Furthermore, this special recipe of essential oil preparation strengthens their immune systems and enhances broodrearing efforts.

At three apiary sites, in a trial conducted over six diets, two of the six included natural pollen (Global and Homebrew), while four others utilized alternate protein sources including Ultra Bee, Bulk Soft MegaBee and AP23 as supplementary diets. While all had protein ratios similar to natural pollen, their macronutrient contents varied between each other; colonies consumed them at various rates.

Colonies given a high protein feed will outperform those starved for protein, as evidenced by their greater colony size across all supplemented groups. Unfortunately, well-intentioned beekeepers can go too far in overfeeding their colonies, leading them to grow too rapidly before spring arrives and exhaust their pollen reserves.


HONEY B HEALTHY has become a go-to feeding stimulant among many of the country’s largest commercial beekeepers to protect their investment and strengthen colony resistance to diseases or stressors. It contains an effective combination of specially processed essential oils designed to enhance colony resilience against diseases or stressors.

Feeding artificial pollen or nectar helps stimulate brood rearing when natural food sources are lacking, while fortifying overwintered pollen stores. Sugar syrup or drenching into the hive is used for this purpose; alternatively it may also be used during late winter and early spring when natural food sources become scarcer or when building packages, nucs, or swarms becomes necessary.

Spray it over new wax foundation to prevent bees from destroying it, use it in swarm traps to attract bees, or use as pollen patties! Also suitable as a smoke substitute when merging weak colonies or swarms; made in the USA in an FDA-Registered, State-of-the-Art facility compliant with cGMP guidelines and manufactured here!

AP23 Winter Patties

Dadant Beekeeping Supplies’ product, an artificial pollen substitute that mimics natural pollen in terms of nutrients, includes probiotics for honey bee health promotion, and has been designated “AP23,” standing for artificial pollen number 23.

Patties like these can serve as emergency winter feed, helping colonies maintain food stores during the long, cold months of winter. High in carbohydrates with only small amounts of protein content, they prevent colonies from starting rearing brood too soon.

Patties may be added to Langstroth hives in two ways; either on top of each box after you remove supers, or added directly into a lower box before replacing its cover. Experimental trials revealed that colonies that consumed large winter patties had significantly larger sealed brood areas and better honey yields during dearth periods than those receiving medium or smaller-sized winter patties, suggesting they are beneficial.


Protein supplement patties placed atop beehives will assist with population increases during early spring and fall pollen flows, and may also increase swarm pressures.

In this trial, all three patty groups performed admirably, although the Natural option did not fare as well as most others (despite having the lowest pollen content of any sub). This proves it’s not always about quantity of protein; even low-protein Homebrew patties did more to alleviate symptoms than some higher protein offerings.

Brood Builder Patties with Honey B Healthy are an exceptional pollen alternative, packed full of essential amino acids, vitamins, lipids and feeding stimulant Honey-B Healthy for optimal bee health. Bees readily accept this nutritious pollen alternative that can be fed as either drench or syrup. A carton of 10 patties makes an ideal addition to your hives during dry or drought conditions.