Friskies Seafood Sensations For Cats

friskies seafood sensations

Fill your cat’s bowl with this delectable seafood feast! With salmon, tuna and shrimp flavors in every bite, plus seaweed for extra yumminess.

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Ocean whitefish

Caulolatilus princeps, or Ocean Whitefish in Southern California, is a popular fish for fishing and eating. This carnivore feeds on krill, crabs, shrimp, octopuses and small fish.

It can be an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Furthermore, it provides a significant source of protein as well.

These fish can be found along the Pacific coast in shallow waters near rocky reefs and kelp beds during the day, but migrate deeper at night to feed. Predators such as school sharks and giant sea bass prey on them. They can be caught using hook-and-line or longline techniques.


Salmon is an ideal seafood choice that’s packed with protein, healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, it provides a good source of zinc and iron.

You can serve it in many ways, but my favorite is pan-frying it and making a sauce out of the drippings. It’s quick, simple, and savory!

A hot pan helps prevent fish from sticking and makes it crispy on the outside. The oil you use should have a high smoke point, such as canola or rapeseed oil.


Tuna is one of the tastiest seafood treats your cat will absolutely adore. Packed full of ocean whitefish, salmon, tuna and shrimp flavors with just the right touch of seaweed – it’s sure to please even fish-craving felines!

Tuna are known to swim incredible distances as they traverse the oceans of the world. Thanks to their sleek bodies, fins, and scales, tuna are able to do this with ease.

Tuna comes in many varieties, but two of the most common are skipjack and albacore. Both can be found canned or tinned at most grocery stores. Yellowfin is another popular variety that may be found fresh or canned with a more delicate flavor that makes it popular for sushi applications.


Crabs, an infraorder of decapod crustaceans, can be found throughout the world’s oceans. Their shell-covered bodies and five pairs of legs with large claws on each front pair make them unique in the ocean environment.

Crab meat is a widely-used ingredient in various recipes, and can be either real or imitation. The meat comes in several grades such as lump, backfin, and jumbo lump.

Backfin meat is composed of broken lumps and small pieces of body meat (no legs). It has a milder crab flavor than lump or claw meat and can be used in seafood cocktails, dips, and soups.


Seaweed, also known as macroalgae, is an aquatic group of plants that thrives in oceans and marine environments. They typically appear red, green or brown in color and can range in size from microscopic to large underwater forests.

They are typically attached to the bottom of the sea or other solid structures with root-like holdfasts that serve only to provide attachment, rather than extracting nutrients like higher plants’ roots do.

Some seaweeds are edible, while others serve as sources of fertilization and polysaccharides. A few contain soluble fiber which is found in up to 50% of dried seaweed weight.