How Much Food Should I Feed a Hermit crab?

how much food to feed a hermit crab

A common question asked by hermit crab owners is, how much food should I feed my hermit crab? The answer is not as simple as you might think. Hermit crabs can eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, dead animals, nuts, and sea sponges. In addition to these items, you should also provide fresh water for your hermit crab. The following information will help you choose the right food for your crab.

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Fruits and vegetables

Hermit crabs can eat a wide variety of foods, including fruit and vegetables. Their natural habitat probably includes citrus fruits, but if you’re unsure, you can always substitute with other plant-based ingredients. Other foods to try are wheat grass, broccoli leaves, blackberries, strawberries, Irish moss, sea fan, and seven-grain cereals. They can also eat seeds and oils in small amounts.

Avoid commercial crab foods, as these can contain pesticides and preservatives. Some of these ingredients are not disclosed on labels. Also, many pet foods are not held to the same laws as human food, and may contain unnecessary chemicals. To ensure your hermit crab’s health, feed it an all-natural diet that contains a variety of foods. Fruits and vegetables are also great supplements to commercial hermit crab food.

Sea sponges

Hermit crabs have small appetites, so if you want to feed them a steak, you should cut it into smaller pieces. Oatmeal is a great substitute for meat, though it may not be as tasty for them. They also don’t like milk. Try oat-based milk instead. The more variety you give them, the happier they’ll be! You can also use wood to provide a balanced diet for your crab.

In the wild, land hermit crabs eat animal and plant matter. For a balanced diet, try providing them with a mix of commercial foods and fresh foods. Hermit crabs also enjoy being hand-fed peanut butter, but don’t use it as a regular food source! Also, make sure to avoid any metallic objects in their environment, as they may irritate their skin. And remember to keep your container shallow, so they can reach their food.

Dead animals

Hermit crabs need a varied diet to thrive. Try to include both vegetables and animal proteins in your crab’s diet. Avoid adding butter or sauces. Seafood and meat are good choices. You should also avoid giving your crab sweet things. Make sure to feed your crab in the evenings, as it is nocturnal and may attract pests. Be sure to use a dedicated spoon to mix ingredients.

Besides regular table scraps, try to find organic products that your crab will enjoy. Hermit crabs are natural scavengers and love crunching egg shells and picking pieces off vegetables. Keep in mind that onions and garlic contain pesticides and should not be given to your pet. You can also give your hermit crab popcorn drizzled with honey, greens and canned octopus. Avoid onions, garlic, and citrus.


You can feed your hermit crab a variety of things, including nuts, peanut butter, dried fruits, and vegetables. You can also give them grains, rolled oats, wheat germ, and cooked eggs. Popcorn is also good for hermit crabs. Try to limit the amount of popcorn that you give it each day to help it get used to the texture. But the best way to ensure your hermit crab is getting the nutrition that it needs is to vary the types of foods you feed it.

While commercial crab foods may sound appealing, you should always check the ingredients before giving your pet any kind of food. They may contain harmful ingredients such as preservatives or pesticides. Commercial pet foods are not regulated like human foods and might not be labeled. As such, there are no guarantees. If you do buy a commercial product, it’s probably full of unnecessary additives. That’s why you should choose a natural alternative.


A hermit crab’s diet should contain a wide variety of foods. It should include grain, animal protein, and fat, as well as occasional treats. It’s also a good idea to supplement hermit crab food with fresh, unprocessed foods. Hermit crabs enjoy a varied diet, so be sure to rotate the foods they eat on a regular basis. Listed below are some common foods for hermit crabs.

The first thing to remember is that hermit crabs need a moist environment to survive. It also requires a consistent supply of fresh water. Its gills must remain moist in order to breathe. If you are unsure of the appropriate amount of food for your hermit crab, consult with a vet. However, keep in mind that hermit crabs can easily consume leftovers from human meals.


If you want to give your hermit crab some healthy treats, consider giving him coconut food. Coconut is considered to be one of the best fruits for hermit crabs, and it is also a great source of fiber. However, you should check the ingredients carefully before feeding your hermit crab with coconut. If it contains copper, you should also look for sulfate, which is toxic to hermit crabs. Although this is a small part of the crab’s diet, trace amounts can be fatal.

Hermit crabs also love wholesome whole foods, like vegetables and popcorn. Providing vegetables and fruit can provide your hermit crab with vitamins and minerals, while giving him crushed cuttlebones or oyster shell can add variety. Besides wholesome vegetables and fruits, you can also feed your hermit crab with fish flakes. These two types of foods contain healthy fats that are essential for their health.