What Can Hermit Crabs Not Eat?

what can hermit crabs not eat

Pet hermit crabs can eat eggs and fish. These can be either fresh or freeze-dried. Vegetables and fruits can also be fed to hermit crabs. Some of the vegetables they can eat include broccoli, kale, spinach, lentils, millet, soy beans, and snap peas. If you want to feed them a more natural diet, you should try organic products. Organic foods do not contain any chemicals, so they’re safe for your pet hermit crab. Other vegetables that are suitable for hermit crabs include dark green lettuce and cucumbers.

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While onions and garlic are not toxic for hermit crabs, they can be harmful to other insects. Hermit crabs do not have an allergic reaction to onions, but commercial hermit crab food may contain traces of these ingredients. The smell of these foods may be offensive to your crab, but it is safe for your crab to eat trace amounts. In fact, hermit crabs aren’t likely to get anemia if they don’t eat onions.

Hermit crabs can eat many kinds of fruits and vegetables. But don’t leave whole vegetables out for them. Instead, give them small pieces. Try to offer a variety of foods, like vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Don’t let them eat rotten foods, either, and make sure to avoid chlorinated water.


It is not safe for hermit crabs to eat garlic, so it is important to avoid introducing the vegetable to your pet. However, you can offer your crab some other foods that they can eat. For example, chicken bones and ribs, leftover shrimp tails, and corn on the cob are all good choices for hermit crabs. Hermit crabs like cooked meat because it contains high levels of protein and vitamins. You can also feed them vegetables and fruits. Hermit crabs will often rub their antennae on the food to see if it is good for them.

In addition, hermit crabs cannot eat citrus fruits and onions. You should also avoid feeding your pet hermit crab jerky, as it can contain the pesticide ethoxyquin, which is toxic to them. Hermit crabs are small creatures, so feeding them too much food at a time will result in them starving to death.

Onion shells

Hermit crabs are not fond of onion shells. Although these shells are edible, they are not good for your pet. In addition, onions can contain harmful pesticides. Therefore, it is better to avoid giving your pet any onions at all. However, you can still offer your pet fresh fruits and vegetables. For example, you can offer them pieces of avocado, strawberries, or mango. However, you should avoid feeding them any onion shells or garlic.

Hermit crabs need humidity in their home to stay healthy. They love climbing on large rocks. They also love climbing on your hand. However, you should not let them climb for too long, as they will fall and become scared. Another good place to put them is in an aquarium. The enclosure should have adequate substrate for them to climb on and a high humidity. However, you should avoid giving your pet painted or decorated toys.


Eggshells aren’t the only food hermit crabs won’t eat. While hermit crabs can’t reproduce in captivity, they are able to breed outside. A female hermit crab holds thousands of eggs in its shell for about a month. After this period, the eggs turn gray and are ready to hatch. Hermit crabs spend a great deal of time on shoreline environments where they can access the water. When they are ready to molt, they are in need of new shells.

Hermit crabs love variety in their diet. Their diets should include a mix that includes grains, animal protein, fat, calcium, and fresh fruit. Dried fruit and other sweet foods are best avoided for hermit crabs. In case you must feed your hermit crab raw eggs, remember to clean the containers thoroughly and keep away from the crabitat.


When purchasing a new pet hermit crab, it’s important to find one with a balanced diet. Crabs like a variety of fresh and dried fruits and vegetables. They like citrus fruits, especially those that have wrinkled skins. Citrus fruit peels contain insect repellents such as limonene, which breaks down quickly and is attractive to crabs.

Herb flowers are edible to hermit crabs. Herb flowers, such as anise, bee balm, dill, and chives, are edible to hermit crabs. However, the leaves of garlic, oregano, and rosemary are toxic to hermit crabs and should not be given to them.


Hermit crabs are natural scavengers, so you should avoid buying commercially prepared crab food. They are not as susceptible to chemicals as other animals, and commercially prepared food may contain pesticides and preservatives. Also, it’s important to buy organic foods. This way, you’ll know exactly what your pet is eating and avoid chemicals.

The best food for crabs is a mix that is diverse and contains grain, animal protein, fat, and calcium. Sweet foods like dried fruit are best used sparingly. Make sure the container is tightly closed and that the desiccant packet is kept out of the food. Feed your crabs a small spoonful of food per feeding bowl.


A variety of fruits are good for hermit crabs. Mango, papaya, and oranges are some of the favorites. Whether served fresh or in its seed form, these fruits can give your hermit crab the energy it needs to survive on its own. Fresh watermelon and apple slices are also good options.

However, many fruits aren’t safe for hermit crabs. It’s best to buy safe fruits from a reputable vendor, or collect them yourself from a tree. If possible, feed your hermit crabs only small quantities of these fruits.