Indian Runner ducks are renowned for their hardiness and stunning feathering. Additionally, they make excellent egg layers.
If you plan to raise Indian Runner ducks, it is essential to understand their food requirements. This way, you can ensure they receive a nutritious and healthy diet.
Duck Eggs
Duck eggs are becoming more and more popular in the culinary world, and for good reason. Not only do they taste better than chicken eggs, but they also contain more essential vitamins and nutrients.
Duck eggs, with their large egg size and creamier, richer yolks, are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats have been known to improve heart health and reduce inflammation within the body.
B vitamins are abundant in fruits and vegetables, mostly known for their energy-boosting effects but also linked to healthy skin and hair.
These foods are packed with antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative damage, enhance eye health, and keep your nerves strong.
Indian runner ducks are an entertaining and engaging breed to raise and care for. At first they may seem shy or high strung, but once they get to know you they become incredibly social and active. Additionally, these ducks require a spacious home as well as access to fresh water and food sources. They make excellent pets.
Duck Meat
Indian runner ducks are renowned for their prolific egg production, but they make excellent pets as well. These highly social birds demonstrate great attentiveness to those caring for them, making them ideal companions.
They are a versatile breed that can live entirely inside a coop and run or be housed in an enclosure designed specifically for them. Although they have the freedom to roam if allowed, most prefer staying close by their home in the coop.
These ducks are excellent foragers and can locate a wide range of wild foods. Their natural abilities extend to finding weeds, seeds, insects and slugs as well as small fish, tadpoles and other aquatic creatures.
In wintertime, when plants and insects become scarcer, you’ll want to supplement their dietary needs with a mixture of wheat and corn for added nutrition and extra calories to combat cold weather. This combination will keep them healthy and provide extra calories during this period.
Duck Treats
There are a range of treats you can give your Indian Runner ducks. Some options include calf manna, oatmeal and cooked potatoes.
Your ducks can enjoy a wide selection of edible weeds, herbs and flowers. Break up bits of wheat grass or dandelion greens with scissors; or fresh herbs like oregano, rosemary, basil, mint, calendula or parsley and float them in their water dish or pool for some added flavor and nutrition.
Treats should only be eaten in moderation and should never replace all of your pet’s regular feed. Avoid giving too many treats at once as too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and unhealthy fat levels.
Another favorite treat for ducks is apples (apple flesh, not seeds). Toss these into their water tub or pond so they can easily catch them.
Duck Breeding
If you are considering raising ducks for egg production, the Indian Runner is an excellent option. These ducks are renowned for their prolific egg production and also make beautiful ornamental animals in parks and gardens.
These ducks require minimal upkeep and are hardy creatures that don’t need a pond or special care from their owners.
Indian Runners make excellent foragers and can be quite entertaining when left to their own devices in the wild. Since they enjoy eating a variety of plants and insects, you will need to give them plenty of room to search for food sources.
These ducks can live for up to 8 years when kept in optimal conditions. They are highly energetic and enjoy splashing about in the water, so setting up at least one large garden pond for them to swim in will provide them with plenty of exercise.