Organic Chicken Starter Feed

organic chicken starter feed

Your chickens need starter feed containing 20-25% protein to allow them to develop properly and gain weight. After six weeks, you should transition them onto a lower protein feed known as grower/finisher ration (GFR/FINR).

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Our organic chick starter/grower crumbles are soy-free, featuring North American organic grains like alfalfa, kelp and flaxseed as well as providing them with all of the essential vitamins and nutrients for healthy birds.



Organic poultry feed provides your flock with all of the nutrition it requires, without harmful additives found in traditional feed, such as pesticides, GMOs, hormone disruptors and antibiotics.

Organic feed features nutritious ingredients produced through natural farming practices, while soy and fish meal are avoided as these have been known to contain harmful toxins such as phyto-estrogens and mercury.

Organic feed may cost more than its non-organic counterpart because manufacturers must go through more steps in order to have their product labeled organic; however, organic is healthier for both you and your chickens alike.

Chicks should receive starter feed from hatching to six weeks old before transitioning to grower feed, a higher-protein diet designed to promote their physical growth and development into playful pullets. Grower feed also contains calcium and omega oils which support bone health and immunity.


Chickens need an abundant supply of calcium in their diet to produce quality eggs. Look for feed with high concentrations of calcium and phosphorus; add ground limestone, oyster shell or fish meal as necessary to meet this need. Without sufficient calcium in their diets, hens will use calcium from their bones instead, potentially leading to health issues in both themselves and in their eggs.

Organic chick starter and grower feed comes in the form of pellets or crumbles to facilitate consumption by baby chickens, making for easier consumption by the birds themselves. Packed full of protein to fuel young chicken growth and vitamins and minerals for overall bird health, as the chicks develop into playful pullets they may transition onto organic layer feed with reduced protein but more calcium levels for optimal egg production compared to their starter ration. In addition, layer feed contains balanced sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids to promote their wellbeing for optimal overall bird health and development.


Organic chicken starter feed provides a range of essential vitamins and minerals for proper development in chicks and ducklings. These include amino acids such as lysine and methionine, along with B-complex vitamins such as niacin and folic acid that promote proper growth and reproduction; mineral sources like calcium carbonate and salt support strong bones and teeth in chicks and ducklings.

Organic chicken feed ingredients must be produced without antibiotics, synthetic fertilizer, GMOs or herbicides for them to qualify as organic. Due to this more labor intensive process, organic feed tends to be more expensive than non-organic feed options.

New Country Organic Chick Starter Feed is an exceptional example of quality organic poultry feed suitable for baby chicks and ducklings. Containing soy- and corn-free ingredients such as organic flax meal and wild-caught fish meal to provide essential proteins necessary for Stage One development, it also features vitamins and minerals to support digestion, overall health, and digestion issues.


Chicks require a diet rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in order to reach maturity. A high quality starter feed should contain both macro-minerals (calcium, phosphorus, chlorine magnesium potassium) and microminerals (copper, iodine iron manganese selenium sodium).

Minerals should be obtained from organic ingredients to avoid chemical residue found in conventionally produced feed. Chemical residue can seriously impact the health of young birds in your flock and result in issues such as reduced immunity, egg production decline and immune system breakdown.

Organic chicken feed is produced using only high-grade, non-GMO ingredients that are free from additives and chemicals, providing your chicks with a premium diet while supporting local farmers and sustainable farming practices. Organic trace minerals are more easily absorbed by the body than synthetically produced supplements and come in pellet or crumble form for easy digestion by your chicks.