During the winter months, many different types of wild birds rely on backyard bird feeders. Some species have even been known to stay further north in the U.S. and Canada than they did a century ago, thanks to our kindness. Regardless of the species, however, they are more than happy to dine on bird seed during the cold months.
Suet is one of the best wild bird food sources in the winter, because it is a high-calorie food source for birds. Suet is an excellent source of protein and fat and can be fed in a variety of feeder styles. It is also inexpensive and easy to find in the meat department of your local grocery store. You can also buy suet in specialty containers made for feeding birds. Almost all types of birds will consume suet during the winter. Suet is available in a variety of different blends, flavors, and shapes. It can even be shredded into balls and wreaths to attract more birds.
Suet is a high-fat food with a thin shell, which makes it ideal for winter feeding. It has twice the calories per pound as striped sunflower seed. Also, its shell does not make a big mess when it is discarded by birds. Suet is a pure source of energy and is very beneficial during the winter months.
Large seeds
Winter can be difficult for small birds, as they lose heat quickly and need to eat a large quantity of food to replace their energy. However, many people are not sure what to feed these birds. In fact, a large portion of their diet is made up of large seeds. This includes shelled corn, safflower, peanuts, and black-oil sunflower seeds. You can even buy cardinal mix, which contains sunflower, safflower, and peanuts.
Another popular winter seed for birds is Nyjer, also known as thistle seed. This oily seed provides a high-calorie diet that helps birds store fat for the winter. This seed is widely available and is treated so that it does not germinate on the ground. However, its hulls can become messy underneath feeders, so it’s recommended that you use a mesh feeder or a sock feeder with an upper baffle.
Small seeds
Birds that need food in the winter months will benefit from small amounts of seed. Sunflower seeds are especially nutritious and can be fed to a variety of smaller birds. Rapeseed is another seed that can be fed to birds. Both are good sources of fat and oil. Sunflower seed has a very thin seed coat and is easy to crack open.
During winter months, birds need foods with a high fat content. This food will give them long-lasting energy and will help them survive in the cold. Black oil sunflower, nyjer seed, and thistle seed are examples of foods high in fat. Seed mixes are another good option. Cracked corn and suet are also good choices for platform feeders.
Cracked corn
Cracked corn is a natural source of energy that many bird species appreciate in the winter months. It can be served on feeders or scattered on the ground. You can also mix cracked corn with other types of birdseed to provide a more varied diet for your birds. It’s also inexpensive and easily available.
Cracked corn is one of the most popular types of seed for many different birds. It’s also a favorite of many squirrels. Cracked corn can be found in bulk at feed stores. It’s also a popular alternative to sunflower seeds, which can get soggy when the weather gets wet.
Nyjer seed is an excellent choice for winter feeders for wild birds. This seed is particularly well-suited to feeding a variety of birds, especially seed-eating birds. Birds that feed on this type of seed often have sharp bills, which are ideal for cracking the tiny seeds. Many of these birds also cling to feeders and feed upside-down. Moreover, they eat seeds in unconventional angles, so that they float in the wind as they eat them. This type of seed is also readily available on the ground, where the birds forage in leaf litter.
Nyjer is often included in bird seed blends containing sunflower chips, canary seed, and small millet seeds. Because of this, it is often more economical to buy such mixes than pure thistle seed.
Peanuts are among the best seed for wild birds in the winter, and they are a favorite of many kinds of birds. You can offer them in a variety of forms, including shelled kernels, peanut hearts, or the whole kernel. Peanut hearts are particularly valuable as they are very small and are easily eaten by smaller species of birds.
Peanuts are an excellent choice for winter feeding because they are inexpensive, easy to offer, and provide a good source of protein and fat. They are also suitable for many species of winter birds, which remain in their winter ranges year round. They are a welcome snack when the temperatures drop below freezing, and they’re a quick, easy meal for many types of winter birds.
Unshelled peanuts
Peanuts are a great food to offer to birds, because they’re inexpensive, easy to offer, and high in fat and protein. In fact, peanuts are ideal for many winter birds, including cardinals and woodpeckers. Peanut butter is also popular with birds.
Peanuts can be found in bulk at many wild bird stores, as well as at local farm supply stores. You can also find roasted peanuts at grocery stores, although they’re more expensive. The best kind for birds is unflavored, unsalted peanuts, and any brand will work.