What Can You Give a Dog For Bad Breath?

what can you give a dog for bad breath

Fresh food such as apples and carrots may help your dog’s breath by providing essential nutrition for healthy teeth and gums. Regular brushings alone may not suffice.

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Crunchy fruits and vegetables can help stimulate salivation production in the mouth, helping prevent plaque buildup. Lemon has natural antibacterial effects while parsley contains chlorophyll that neutralizes any unpleasant odors.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that help combat bad breath bacteria, so add one teaspoon daily to your pet’s water bowl for best results.

To maximize its benefits, it’s ideal to purchase high-quality raw organic ACV that contains the “mother.” Bragg is an excellent brand available at most grocery stores.

Lemon juice can also help freshen up your dog’s breath naturally, similar to apple cider vinegar. Lemon juice reduces bacteria that contribute to plaque and bad breath in their mouths by neutralizing odor-neutralizing effects or can even be steeped into water to create natural mouthwash for your pup! You could try giving your pooch some lemon juice in his/her water bowl; additionally parsley can also have these same qualities and be given as chew treats or steeped in it to create natural mouthwash!


Dogs with bad breath often develop issues related to oral hygiene such as tartar build-up, tooth decay or oral infections that require regular teeth cleanings and dental exams to address. Regular brushing will help address such problems and routine dental checks will assist in solving them.

Other underlying illnesses, like kidney disease or diabetes, may also contribute to stinky breath in dogs, while poor diet can be another major contributor. Unsupervised snacking such as getting into trash bins or decomposing animal material can also leave your pup’s breath smelling foul. Try adding coconut oil into their food or brushing their teeth (start slowly for optimal results), which has many health benefits beyond freshening breath: increased immunity, skin health improvement and coat health enhancement are just a few among many more!

Aloe Vera

Bad breath in dogs is usually due to an accumulation of bacteria in its mouth, compounded by poor hygiene practices or diet related issues like kidney disease or an imbalanced gut microflora.

Parsley and mint can help reduce the odor-causing bacteria by adding chlorophyll into their diet. Simply chop up some parsley or steep some in water for fresher breath!

Coconut oil offers a pleasant scent to help mask bad breath while simultaneously improving skin, coat, and immune function. Simply add a small amount (start with 1/4 of a tablespoon for smaller dogs) daily into their water bowl for best results.


Cinnamon has been found to have antibacterial properties, helping reduce oral bacteria that cause bad breath in dogs. Furthermore, its stimulatory effect aids saliva production.

Crunchy foods such as carrots, celery sticks and apples can help improve bad breath in dogs by stimulating saliva production to clear away bacteria that cause bad smells from teeth.

Remember, cinnamon and other natural remedies may provide a temporary boost, but they won’t solve underlying dental issues like plaque. For this, professional veterinary dental care, regular brushing and checkups may be required.


Parsley can serve as a natural breath freshener and is rich in chlorophyll, which is capable of dissolving volatile sulfur compounds that contribute to bad dog breath. Furthermore, parsley provides natural diuretics to promote regularity while helping decrease bloat that may result in stinky burps. Just be sure not to use spring parsley (Cymopterus watsonii), which can be toxic to pets.

Add chopped parsley to your dog’s meal or simply sprinkle a few leaves onto her food as a tasty garnish. Steeping some parsley in water as a mouthwash could also work; similarly to how lemon juice can help combat bad breath by fighting bacteria in its bowl.


If your dog’s breath smells of eggs, fish or poo, it could be an indicator of an underlying health problem. Bad breath can be associated with coprophagia, metabolic diseases, dental disease and poor oral hygiene – practices like brushing teeth regularly, giving dental chews and using water additives designed to promote oral hygiene are ways that owners can prevent their pup from experiencing halitosis.

Parsley is an ideal herb to use to neutralize bad breath in dogs. Packed full of chlorophyll, which combats volatile sulfur compounds responsible for bad breath, parsley acts as a natural mouthwash and freshener that will leave their breath feeling clean and minty fresh! Try adding chopped parsley directly to their food or soak a handful in water to use as an instant spritz spray mouthwash solution.