Most chicken feed comes in crumble or pellet form to enable their flock to absorb nutrients quickly, with some varieties offering added vitamins and minerals for improved nutrition.
The optimal chicken feed contains an optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium and Vitamin C.
Purina Complete Layer Hen Feed
Purina Layer Feed provides your flock with all of the nourishment it needs for maximum performance, made up of high quality ingredients and including 38 essential nutrients they require for strong eggshell production. In addition, black soldier fly grubs offer additional sources of protein, phosphorus, omega 3 fatty acids and calcium that may improve production rates.
This product does not contain soy, making it suitable for those with an allergy or intolerance to soy products. Furthermore, brewer’s grains provide a rich source of protein as well as other vitamins and minerals.
Feed comes in pellet or crumble form and can be purchased in 10 or 25 lb bags, depending on your needs. There are both medicated and unmedicated options, depending on whether coccidiostat treatments need to be applied; medicated feed should be fed from week 1-18 of chick growth for use by adult laying hens; unmedicated options are suitable for adult laying hens only. Grit should also be added to feed to help the chickens digest and process their food properly.
Homestead Harvest Non-GMO Layer Blend
This feed is soy-free, made with organic cracked grains, vitamins, and minerals for optimal protein levels for laying hens. With 16% protein at an optimum level for laying hens. Linseed (flax) oil provides omega 3 fatty acids; and kelp provides natural sources of essential vitamins A and potassium.
As it doesn’t contain animal by-products, this feed provides a healthier option than commercial layer feeds which contain such ingredients. Packed full of calcium and available to any type of egg-laying poultry including ducks.
Chickens need carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and nutrients in their diet to remain healthy and ensure proper functioning of various systems in their bodies. While you can add treats as part of their complete feed program to keep their systems running optimally, too much extra can lead to obesity or other health problems; dark leafy greens with antioxidant-rich fruit or veggies would make an excellent treat!
Purina Complete Grower Hen Feed
Chicken feed comes in many different forms. Pellets, mash, medicated and unmedicated feed options as well as starter and grower formulas can all make selecting an optimal feed difficult if you are just beginning. By understanding the differences in these feed options it can help you find an ideal blend for your flock.
Mash is the ideal feed texture, offering a balance of nutrients in every bite. However, some chickens find mash hard to digest; to help make it more palatable it’s common practice to add cracked corn or other treats into it as an incentive to make eating it more pleasant.
Starter feed is designed to provide chicks with high levels of protein and nutrients necessary for their development into active pullets or cockerels. Coccidiostat medications may also be included to protect them against disease that affects young birds, with a good quality starter food boasting vitamins, minerals and other vital components necessary for growth and development.
Purina Layer Hen Feed
Purina Layer Hen Feed is designed specifically for chickens that are laying eggs. This special food provides your hens with enough protein and calcium, plus vitamins and minerals, so that their eggs will develop hard shells. Available as either crumble or pellet form.
Good poultry feed should contain at least 16% protein and an increased calcium ratio, so your flock can produce large eggs more regularly. Additionally, this quality feed will contain many beneficial bacteria to aid gut health and digestion.
Research-proven and packed with all 38 nutrients necessary for egg laying hens after 18 weeks old and starting to lay, this chicken feed provides all they require in pellet form or crumbles for optimal laying hen health and egg production. It includes the exclusive Oyster Strong System that strengthens eggshells as well as vitamins D and manganese for overall wellbeing and marigold extract to give them vibrant yellow yolk color – something no other chicken feed offers! This chicken food comes available both as pellets and crumbles.