What Should I Feed My Desert Tortoise?

what should i feed my desert tortoise

When it comes to feeding a desert tortoise, commercial pellets are not a good choice. You can find a variety of pellets at pet stores, but they don’t provide the proper nutrition for your tortoise. There are several factors that you should consider when feeding your tortoise.

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Foods to feed a desert tortoise

The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing food for your desert tortoise is its nutritional value. Some foods are better for tortoises than others. You should try to choose fruits and vegetables that provide the right amount of nutrition. You should also avoid foods high in sugar, such as corn. These can lead to digestive problems and can even lead to intestinal parasites.

The main foods your desert tortoise needs are fruits, nuts, and dark greens. They also need calcium, which is best provided by calcium powder. You can also dust calcium over the food. This is a safe and effective way to provide extra calcium for your tortoise.

The diet of desert tortoises depends on their environment. Their diet peaks in early spring and drops dramatically in the hot summer. During this time, tortoises can even enter a state of estivation and cease their normal activity. Because of these factors, their diet changes regularly throughout the year. In spring, they eat foods high in moisture and protein and during summer, they eat dry foods with lower protein content.


When preparing a desert tortoise diet, it’s important to provide a variety of nutritious plant matter. Grass is the main component of their diet, and it should be abundant within its enclosure. If you’re unable to plant enough grass in your desert tortoise’s enclosure, consider using 50 percent of tortoise-safe leafy greens instead.

The best vegetable choices for your tortoise’s diet are leafy greens and spring mixes. Dark lettuce, kale, collard greens, and turnip greens are excellent choices. Be sure to offer calcium supplements with these vegetables. Do not feed your tortoise on dirt, since it can ingest soil, which could be harmful. Feeding him on grassy surfaces or a concrete or flat rock tray is a better alternative.

As for fruit, you can provide a limited amount of fruit as a treat for your tortoise, but it should not be part of its daily diet. Although fruit can provide your desert tortoise with necessary vitamins and minerals, it is important to remember that its high sugar content and large amounts of starch disrupt the normal bacteria in his hindgut.

Commercial food

For the best health, your tortoise needs a diet rich in leafy greens. Try offering dark lettuces, kale, collard greens, and turnip greens. If you want to make their diet more varied, you can include some vegetables from the brassica family, such as broccoli and brussels sprouts. You can also provide commercially prepared foods in small amounts, but it’s best to provide your tortoise with a variety of different foods.

For optimal health, your desert tortoise needs to consume at least 80-90% greens per day. You can supplement commercial food for tortoises with fruits and meat. A 5-day meal chart that is based on an 80-90% greens and fruit blend is a good idea.

However, it is important to keep in mind that commercially produced tortoise food contains ingredients that are harmful for your animal. Fruit acids, for example, change the pH of the digestive tract, killing off beneficial bacteria. The toxins then cross the gut wall and enter the tortoise’s bloodstream, causing Toxic Shock Syndrome.


If your desert tortoise is suffering from diarrhea, the best way to treat the condition is to give it a bath in shallow water, at least twice a day. This will rehydrate it and encourage it to eat. In some cases, the reptile may require the assistance of a vet. If this is the case, your vet may be able to cover up to PS2,500 in vet fees.

Luckily, there are supplements available to meet the nutritional needs of your tortoise. These products are available in various forms, and can be a great way to improve your tortoise’s health and provide the proper balance of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. A good example of a supplement is TNT, or Total Nutrition for Tortoises. This product is a mixture of calcium, fiber, and vitamins.

Tortoises need regular feeding to avoid starvation and dehydration. Their diets should contain plenty of water and a high-fiber diet. Tortoises should also be fed nutritious fruit and vegetables to keep their digestive systems healthy. Some species of tortoises hibernate and may not have an appetite when they wake up. While hibernation is a natural part of the tortoise’s life, it’s not sustainable. The temperature of the habitat in which tortoises live must be between two and five degrees Celsius to avoid dehydration.