No matter what you may read online, it is always advisable to consult a veterinarian regarding home remedies for your pet’s diarrhea. Too many or improper ones could potentially lead to vomiting and diarrhea for both you and your animal.
If your dog is circling frequently, straining to urinate, and defecating dry feces without release, they could be constipated. Consult a vet who can determine the source and recommend fibre additives, dietary modifications, or even an enema at home to relieve their condition.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just adding one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your pet’s food can be enough to get their digestive system back in gear, encouraging feces to pass freely and dissolving hard, dry stool.
Constipated dogs typically display lack of daily bowel movement as the telltale sign they need medical help. If your canine attempts to defecate but struggles, or passes very small pebble-sized stool, then it is time for an exam with their veterinarian.
According to a recent study, apple cider vinegar offers many health benefits for dogs including improved digestion and more regular bowel movements. Coconut oil may help alleviate symptoms of constipation in canines by softening and lubricating their feces. Psyllium husk supplements can also be added as part of their diet in order to increase fiber levels in their digestive tract, thus decreasing constipation symptoms; for best results consult your veterinarian regarding dosage guidelines.
If your dog suffers from chronic constipation, a veterinarian may suggest probiotics as a solution. Probiotics are good bacteria that promote healthy digestive function by improving absorption of essential vitamins and nutrients from food and supplements. Available as powders to add directly to food or capsules that contain probiotics-rich treats; plain yogurt without artificial sweeteners also makes an ideal treat.
Your dog’s stomach and intestines contain bacteria that influence how efficiently they digest foods and their immune system operates. A diet rich in psyllium husk may assist your pet with regular bowel movements while softening stool for easier passage.
Puppies and dogs alike can take probiotic supplements designed for them in order to strengthen the gut’s microbiome, support immune systems, reduce constipation risk and diarrhea risk and other digestive problems, such as constipation or diarrhea. Furthermore, you may even find probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut that you can give as treats to their pets.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera can be an excellent addition to your dog’s diet if they are suffering from constipation, as it helps ease its symptoms by hydrating their colons, making stool passing easier. Just ensure you use whole leaf extract instead of latex which could potentially act as laxative in large doses.
Constipation in dogs is often due to inadequate water consumption. Make sure that you give them enough fresh drinking water daily and also ensure regular physical exercise helps their digestion and decreases constipation by taking them on walks every day.
Home remedies like coconut or vegetable oils may help soften stool and lubricate the rectum, but if this doesn’t work consult with a veterinarian who might suggest stronger stool softeners like docusate sodium (Colace). This medication increases water absorption into your colon so as to make stool softer and easier to pass – just follow their instructions when taking this medication.
Canned Pumpkin
Canned pumpkin is an effective natural treatment for constipation, and likely already exist in your pantry (assuming you didn’t carve one as an elaborate Halloween pumpkin decoration!). According to Taste of Home, pumpkin contains high levels of fiber, moisture and vitamins that can aid digestion.
Integrating pumpkin into your dog’s food is a simple way to aid digestion, provided it comes in its original state with no added sugars or spices.
If your pup needs more than a bit of extra assistance, try giving him or her some psyllium husk supplement as it acts as a natural stool softener and gentle laxative when mixed with large volumes of water.
Add one teaspoon of psyllium to your dog’s daily food for maximum effect, but be sure to consult with their veterinarian first as this will determine exactly how much to give them and may suggest starting off by giving less than a full teaspoon.