What Treats Do Ducks Like?

what treats do ducks like

If you want to give your pet duck a treat, you’ll need to figure out what kind of fruit to give it. Ducks love watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, and tomatoes. However, you should keep in mind that you should not give them seeds, since cyanide in small amounts is toxic to them. Try putting a half-dried tomato in the duck’s food bowl instead.

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If you’re looking for a treat for your duck, you can give it cantaloupe. Although cantaloupe is not poisonous, it may not be a good choice for your duck. This fruit contains little to no toxins, but you should still take precautions when giving cantaloupe to your duck. It’s important to consider the nutritional value of any treat you give your duck, so that you’re sure you’re feeding your pet only healthy food.


Many pet owners feed their ducks watermelon. However, this food can be harmful to ducks. Adding food to ponds can disrupt the natural biodiversity and ecosystems below the surface. Watermelon seeds can also contain amygdalin, which inhibits the passage of oxygen to the blood. Thankfully, the amount of amygdalin in watermelon seeds is very small compared to the size of the ducks’ digestive systems.


Tomatoes are a safe treat for ducks. They contain folic acid, calcium, and phosphorus. However, avoid giving your ducks unripe tomatoes. They contain dangerous alkaloids called tomatine. Whether or not your ducks like tomatoes depends on the type you give them. Tomatoes that are red and ripe are safe for them. Avoid feeding them unripe and green tomatoes.


Ducks are fond of eating peaches. Peaches have a delicious flavor when ripe, and are nutritious for both ducks and humans. You can feed your ducks the flesh and skin of peaches, as they are high in vitamins and nutrients. Avoid feeding your ducks the pit, as this can cause severe poisoning. Peaches are also low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great treat for ducks.


Aside from vegetables and fruit, many birds enjoy the flavor of herbs. Mint is an excellent treat for ducks, and most poultry love mint, which contains antioxidants and nutrients that benefit the health of the flock. Herbs are an excellent alternative to a standard diet, and are a great source of vitamin C for your ducks. To feed your ducks herbs, scatter them on their food and around their nesting areas.


Ducks can safely eat fruit, seeds, and even the insides of plants. However, they should not eat excessive amounts of any one kind of food as it may damage the crop. Ducks can also be given eggs as a treat. Eggs can be cooked into scrambled, hard-boiled, or chopped with their shells intact. Eggshells are rich sources of calcium and can provide additional nutrition to ducks.

Brewer’s yeast

A common additive for chicken starter feeds, brewer’s yeast is beneficial to ducks. It boosts the levels of vitamin B in the feed and is safe to feed to ducks from two to 20 weeks old. You can also mix it into the feed for ducklings. The yeast will stick to wet feed, but it shouldn’t cause any mold. You can add brewer’s yeast to the chick starter feed as a treat for your ducks.

Oyster shell

Oyster shell is an excellent supplement to your duck’s diet. Ducks need a certain amount of moisture to stay healthy. You can buy commercial grit to add to their diet, or provide oyster shells as a treat. Ducks prefer the straight shells, but you can also grind oyster shells if you don’t have oysters. Providing a calcium supplement is important for ducks.