Wild Bird Seed and Such

wild bird seed and such

When you feed wild birds, it is important to provide them with the best quality seed that they will eat. Not only do they need protein, fat and carbohydrates for energy, but they also need to be able to digest their food quickly in order to stay healthy.

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Many cheaper seed blends contain a filler ingredient called milo which most wild birds do not eat. This causes a lot of wasted seed under your feeders.


Lyric Fruit & Nut High Energy Mix

Attract chickadees, robins, orioles, blue jays, titmice, buntings, cardinals, grosbeaks, towhees and nuthatches to your yard with Lyric Fruit & Nut High Energy Mix. This gourmet blend of select fruits, shell-free nuts and seeds will keep birds coming back all season long!

This blend is full of real fruits and nuts that birds love to eat. It has a premium quality and is free of fillers so you don’t have to worry about waste or clean-up!

This mix is perfect for a variety of feeders, including hopper feeders, feeder trays with covers, tube feeders, and wire mesh feeders. However, it’s best to use a platform or tray feeder to give larger birds more room to move and ground-feeding birds a place to rest.

Wagner’s Peanut & Nut Blend

Birdseed and such is one of the most effective ways to attract and keep songbirds coming back for more, but you’ll need a good blend to make sure they are receiving all the nutrition they need. The best wild bird seed and such will include a mix of seeds and grains along with other nutrients like chopped nuts, dried fruit (like raisins or cranberries), and suet.

Wagner’s Peanut & Nut Blend includes sunflower kernels and peanuts that are both high in protein and fats. They’re also high in fiber and can be a great source of energy for birds. This blend is especially beneficial for birds that feed on the ground, such as goldfinches and juncos. It also includes cracked corn, which is an inexpensive food that is enjoyed by many different birds.

Lyric Fruit & Nut Mix

Lyric Fruit & Nut Mix is a gourmet blend of select fruits, seeds and shell-free nuts that will attract a variety of birds to your bird feeder. It contains 13 premium, all-natural ingredients and no fillers for less waste.

This blend of nut and fruit pieces attracts a wide range of wild birds including chickadees, robins, orioles, blue jays, titmice, buntings, cardinals, grosbeaks, towhees and nuthatches.

The premium nut and fruit blend is great for birds that enjoy a high energy food. This food will help keep birds healthy and happy during the winter months when other foods aren’t available.

Many cheap bird mixes have a lot of filler seeds that birds don’t like or don’t provide them the nutrition they need. These seed types can also attract invasive species that take over your feeder. They may also be a nuisance to clean up and make your yard look unsightly!

Wagner’s Safflower Seed

A great source of fat and protein for birds, safflower seed is one of the most popular bird seeds. It is a favorite of cardinals and other songbirds and also attracts chickadees, titmice and nuthatches.

Squirrels don’t seem to like safflower seed and will usually leave it alone. This makes it a good choice for those who want to attract a variety of birds to their bird feeders without having to worry about squirrels raiding them.

Wagner’s Safflower Seed is a moderately priced bird seed that is popular with cardinals, chickadees and other wild birds. You can mix it with other seeds or simply feed it straight.

This is a good blend of all the essential seeds and grains that birds need to stay healthy. It is a little more expensive than other blends, but it will give birds all the nutrition they need in a clean and mess-free way. Its hulls are already removed so there is no mess beneath the feeder.